luke - are you cold?

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This is pure cuteness, however there is mentions of sex. Also it is set during The Empire Strikes Back (5th movie). 

Imagine being on the planet Hoth and your boyfriend, Luke senses that your cold and gives you his coat even though he's cold.

Why did it have to be an ICE planet you thought as you walked down the Resistance's ice base. You wore black lace up winter boots, pale blue jeans and your brown pilot jacket over a t-shirt. It wasn't really the right clothing to be wearing on an ice planet.

You shivered. "I hope there's hot cocoa otherwise I will literally hurl myself out of a window," you muttered then kicked a tiny pebble with your boots.

"Captain Y/N!" a feminine voice that belonged to Princess Leia said.

"Hello, Princess Leia," you said in a British accent then bowed down to her with a tiny smirk playing on your lips.

She slapped you playfully on the back.

"Dude, I told you theirs no reason to call me princess!" she replied.

"Leia, you literally just addressed me as 'Captain Y/N' just two seconds ago," you smirked which made her collapse into giggles.

"Also is there any hot cocoa?" you asked her with big, wide, puppy eyes.

"Y/N," she put her hand on your shoulder. "Do you really think that we have hot chocolate on Hoth?" she asked as if she was asking a child.

You stamped your foot and curled your lip. "I am literally going to hurl myself out of a window now, thank you so much Leia," you looked like a little child.

She went back to giggling. You started to laugh along with her.

"Hey, babe," a voice called. 

It was Han Solo, Leia's most recent boyfriend. You were kind of excited to see how long this one lasted although at some times Han seemed like a genuine guy. He was one of your best friends at the Resistance base because the two of you would crack jokes to each other half of the time.

"Hey Han," Leia said then kissed him on the lips.

"Aww," you gushed.

They both looked at you like you were crazy.

"Hi, Y/N, I see you haven't changed over the last twenty-four hours," Han crossed his arms and shook his head with a tiny smirk on his face.

"You too, those red pimples are still on your forehead!" you joked. Han poked with his fingers at his head and there was a tiny stream of acne on his forehead. He gave you a playful glare.

"I'm sorry but it's not mean if it's true," you said making Leia laugh once again. He tried not to laugh but you could tell that it was hard for him since his face was starting to turn a bright shade of red.

"Anyways...Leia, it's time for my reward," he winked at her.

 "I cleaned my room so I get some of that," he pointed to Leia's petite body.

"You cleaned your room and now you get to have sex?" you scoffed. They ignored your comment.

"Oh, yeah!" she squealed clearly excited for Han's reward.

 "If you would excuse me Y/N, I have some business in my bedroom to attend to," she said then grabbed Han's hand and led him to her quarters.

You shook your head at them but snickered. They took your mind off of the cold but now since they were gone you were back to being cold. Your teeth chattered and sounded like a machine gun. You hugged yourself and you could see your breath.

"Fuck the cold, fuck the cold," you murmured then sat down in a chair shivering.

"Hey Y/N," said a voice from beside you.

You warmed up immediately for a second. It was your boyfriend, Luke. The two of you had been together for about six  months when he spotted you at his and Han's awards ceremony. He couldn't take his eyes off you. And you couldn't take your eyes off of him. At the ceremony he offered you a dance and asked you out afterward. Your relationship was peaceful, it had never been rocky. And it was full of him being adorable and your jokes.

 "Hey, Luke," you kissed him on the lips for a second.

"Are you okay, you look a little cold?" he asked. There was a look of pure concern on his face. It was adorable how much he cared about you.

"Yeah, it's just the cold, you know how it is," you said while continuing to shiver.

He took your chin with his fingers then kissed your cheek. 

"No, Y/N, here," he started to take off his heavy gray coat and handed it to you making you gasp.

"Luke Skywalker, what in the universe are you doing!" you gaped at him as he gently took your arms and put them in his coat.

"You were freezing and I didn't like to see that," he said then gave you a tiny smile. He was that cute.

You immediately felt warmth by the coat. It was warm and fuzzy. 

Then Luke started shivering and you were upset.

"Luke! Now your freezing!" you exclaimed as you saw the poor boy's teeth chattering and his hands turning blue.

"Y/N, I'm fine, and I'm warmed by the fact that your not suffering from the cold anymore," he put his head in your lap. You started to play with his blond locks of hair.

"You're such a sweetheart," you kissed his forehead.

"I know," he said his blue eyes pouring into your (e/c) eyes.

"I love you," you whispered as you put your head on his head.

"I love you more," he whispered back.

The two of you fell asleep warmed by each other's bodies.

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