Chapter 2 - The escape

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"Your punches are getting weaker." I say with a snicker as Manuelle throws another punch my way, which I easily dodged.

"Oh really?" Manuelle smirks, his eyes lighting up with mischief as he stalks towards me.

"Come on, Manuelle. You know I didn't mean it." I say with a shaky smile and take a few steps back when my brother takes a long stride towards me.

I might be extremely good when it comes to combat but Manuelle is an expert. His training began when he was just 11years old and mine was 15years.

When he clocked the age of 16, my dad began to take him on dangerous missions that could send a child at that age to anxiety but not my brother. He's brave, agile and very intelligent in the things he does. I'm not really up to the level of training he undergoes that's why he's going easy on me but right now, I don't think that's going to be the case.

Before I could register his movements, his fist comes in contact with my stomach making me to stagger back and land on my butt with a loud thud.

I clutch my stomach with my two hands and released a low yelp when I felt a slight sting on my butt as I tried to sit up.

"Oh My God! Sienna, are you okay?" Manuelle's face washes over in panic as he went down on his kneels next to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. My butt just stings a little." I mumble with a smile, hoping it could ease the panic in his eyes.

Manuelle squints his eyes at me, not looking a bit convinced at my words of reassurance but decided to let it go. He throws my hand around his shoulders and grips my waist before pulling me up with him.

"Principessa." We both snapped our heads to Marcus, who stood by the door with a concerned expression on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Marcus. Just a few combat lessons gone wrong." I say with a sheepish smile that Manuelle snorted to. I flash him a quick glare and shoved him in the ribs. He grunts in pain and withdraws his hand from my waist to rub his aching ribs.

Marcus looked like he was going to say something to address that but decides against it before his eyes turned serious. "Your dad wants to speak to you, Principessa."

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as to why my dad wanted to speak to me but I guess Marcus must have informed him that I came earlier to have an urgent discussion with him.

"I'll be there in a minute." I mumble.


I knock on the door to my dad's office and took a deep breath to mentally prepare myself for the discussion I was going to have with him.

I just needed Blade to stop sending me letters of marriage proposals and since my dad is also a Mafia Don, he could set up a meeting with Blade and tell him that I wasn't interested, because there was no way in hell that I was going to marry the devil. And if things go as planned, Blade could forget about me and look for someone else that he was going to torture into marrying him.

Damn. I wonder how the dude looks like.

On hearing my dad's deep voice mutter a slight 'Come in', I twisted the door knob and walked into his office.

Francesco D'Angelo was seated by his huge mahogany desk which was filled with piles of papers. He was dressed in a charcoal black suit that fitted him perfectly and as usual, a frown was etched on his face as his arctic blue eyes - which was the exact shade as mine - skimmed through the words displayed on his laptop screen.

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