Chapter 47 - Danger unfolds

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Once I put on the Burgundy satin wrap dress, I walk out of my room and pop open the strawberry bubblegum that Cam gave me earlier to calm down the bundle of nerves that's building up inside my chest.

Pacing back and forth, I let out a deep sigh, wondering how the conversation with Cam went.

I don't think I will be able to live with myself if things end badly between them. It's partly my fault that there's a hole in their relationship. If I would have tried harder to stop Cam from sneaking out, then things wouldn't turn out this way.

I really hope they patch things up.

Footsteps coming down the massive staircase snaps me out of my thought.

I look up to find Blade walking down the last step, a glare on his face as he types away at his phone.

"So, how did it go?" I asks, narrowing my eyes in confusion when Blade ignores my question and walks towards the front door.

Someone whistles at me and I tear my gaze away from the angry male. Cam stands at the top of the stairs flashing me a wide smile along with a thumbs up.

I return her smile with a grin and breathe out a sigh of relief.

Thank Goodness.

Franco stands next to her with a frown of disapproval on his face.

Clearly he isn't happy to babysit.

I giggle at that thought and he glares at me.


Blade doesn't say anything throughout the entire ride which isn't surprising but what piques my curiosity is the disturbing fact that his hands keeps twitching every second.

He grips his bouncing knees- until his knuckles turns white- to prevent them from twitching.

I won't say he is nervous because he doesn't look like it.

Blade being nervous is something that will never happen in a million years.

He takes in a strangled breath and loosens his tie a bit like the material is restricting his airways which makes things more unnerving.

I try to keep my eyes away from him but it's difficult when he acts like he's about to explode any damn minute.

His hands begins to search desperately for something, it brushes the black leather seat of his car until they land on mine that's resting on my thigh.

I watch with a concerned expression as he fiddles with my fingers, the conflicting emotions in his eyes slowly dissipates.

Tingles shoots up my arm when he traces the little butterfly tattoo on my wrist. His touch is soothing and calming like I'm basking in the sun that's set above the water while watching the waves crash against the shoreline, the warm air blowing through my blonde air.

The feeling is immaculate.

I feel my eyelids slowly droop as he continues his sweet torture on my hand.

I lean my head on the window and drift off to sleep. The last thing I remember before I succumb to unconsciousness is Blade interlacing our fingers together.


"Wakeup, piccola." A voice gently whispers in my ear, hot breath fanning my face that goosebumps appear on my skin.

My eyelids flutter open to meet a pair of stormy grey eyes staring back at me, pink lips pulled into an amused smirk.

"How long was I asleep?" I groggily ask and try to sit up but I bump the side of my head against Blade's forehead. He curses under his breath and rubs the aching area. "Oh My God! I'm so sorry."

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