Chapter 5 - On your knees

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Blade's eyes stay glued to his phone, he mutters something under his breath in Italian and furiously types away at his keyboard.

My eyes, on their own accord, takes in his facial features until they finally drop to his lips; full and pink. I wonder what they taste like.

Slapping my hand on my forehead, I mentally chastised myself for that unholy thought. Fuck, what's wrong with me?

The asshole clearly abducted me and he's going to forcefully marry me against my better judgment. I shouldn't be thinking about him in such a naughty way.

But holy mother of fuck, he's fucking handsome.

Chiara is definitely going to flip when I tell her that he's more than a Greek God. There's no word to qualify this dude. God really took his time to sculpt out the perfection in him.

I stare out the window to avoid eye contact when I feel his piercing gaze on me.

The heat of his gaze on the side of my face makes me nervous that I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from trembling.

I intertwine my fingers together and lay it in between my laps, watching the buildings and trees that we pass by.

I wonder how my life will turn out now that Blade has abducted me. Will he lock me up in a cell and let me suffer years of brutal torment? Will he kill me?? Or worse, Will I get the chance to see my family again?

That thought alone terrifies the shit out of me.

I'm really going to miss my mom and her comforting hugs that I desperately need right now. I really want her to tell me that everything's going to be okay even though it's not.

"Where are you taking me?" I asks out of curiosity as Blade continues to type away at his phone oblivious to the fact that I was sitting next to him.

"Somewhere." He curtly replies without sparing me a glance.

"Does this somewhere have a name?" I raise a questioning brow at him.

Blade lets out a frustrated sigh and massages his temples. "Will you just shut up? Clearly you've got eyes to see that I'm busy."

"Oh really?" My mouth drops open in shock but I quickly composed myself. "How do you expect me to shut up and keep calm when you abducted me from the airport like a psycho maniac."

"Um, Blade."

He tucks his phone away in his pocket and tosses me a death glare that made my body to tremble in fear but I didn't back down. "I have every fucking right to abduct you because you're my wife and- "

"Blade -"

"Correction asshole, we are engaged and that makes me your fiancee not wife." I sneer in his unamused face. "So, either you let me go or I'm just going to let myself out of this car."

"Blade can you please -"

"That doesn't make it any better, piccola. Do you really think if it was my choice to make that I would go for you? I mean look at you." He mutters in slight disgust, his stormy greg eyes giving my body a once over. "You aren't even my type."

I swallow the heavy lump in my throat and flash him the deadliest glare that I could muster, not wanting him to know how deep his words stung my heart.

"I don't think they can hear me, Franco."

"So your type is the ones you find in the local bar? You know, the public sluts that would do anything for a decent fuck even if they had to sell their dignity for it? Or the types that go crazy anytime they see a dick?"

He crosses his arms over his chest and smirks. The amusement from earlier appears back in his stormy grey orbs. "I didn't know we were on the topic of dicks now, bambola. If you wanted to get laid so bad all you needed to do was ask. It's that simple."

"How would they hear you when they're already making preparations for their wedding night."

I scoffed. "I wouldn't fuck you even if you're the last man standing."

"You don't have to keep pretending, bambola. Your eyes tells me otherwise." The wink he flashes my way makes my heart to skip a beat.

"I'm pretty sure you misread them because they're trying to tell you to burn in hell." My lips tips up into a slight smirk when his jaw ticks in anger.

"I am the devil, little one. The hell is where my throne dwells in." He grits out. "And you better mind the way you speak to me. Fiancee or whatever the fuck you are to me is meaningless when you disrespect me and get punished for it."


"What?" We both snapped and directed our attention to Franco.

"We're being followed." Nico informs pointing to the rear-view mirror that showed a black Audi tailing us behind.

"Marcello." Blade grits out in anger as he pulls out a gun from the waistband of his pants. "I can fucking recognize that Audi with my eyes closed."

"Should I stop the car?" Nico asks, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he revs off the lane we were in to another but the car keeps following us.

"No. Just keep driving. Franco and I will take care of the fuckers." Blade grunts out and turns to face me. "I think you know what you have to do in this situation."


"Of course." I pull out my own gun and smirk. It's been a while since I used this baby.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Blade snatches the gun from me and tosses it to Franco who was getting ready to fire. "Get on your knees. Now."

"You don't get to tell me what to do." I snap but he ignores me completely and shoots directly at the car.

They drive to the side to avoid getting hit and fires their own shot but Nico speeds up the car to dodge the bullet.

The next few minutes was filled with gun shooting, bullets gliding through the air from both sides to hit their target but fortunately for us, no one got hurt except for a few guys in the black Audi that Blade shot.

A head pops out from the window and aims directly for my head. I gulp.


"GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES BAMBOLA." Blade yells but it was freaking too late.

The bullet passes through the window and goes to hit me directly in the forehead but Blade shields me with his arm while the other shoots at their tire, slowing them down as they collide with a huge truck.



I know this chapter is short but I promise, the next chapter would be a bit longer than this one.

Btw Blade got shot and it all because of Sienna. How do you think he's going to react?

Question of the chapter: What do you do in your free time?

Don't forget to;




Xoxo, Jana.

Don't forget to follow me on IG; Jana-writes64

Love you all, xoxo.

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