Chapter 39 - Sneaking out

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I tie the lace of my Adidas sneakers, slipped into my black leather jacket and strolled out of my room, bumping into Cam whose eyes was glued to her phone.

"Sorry." I mumble and tugged on the hem of my jacket, lips twitching into an apologetic smile.

"Nah. It's okay. You ready?" She tucked her phone into her pocket and looked up at me expectantly.

"Yeah." I hum with a slight cough, uncertainty coating my tone as I wiped my clammy hands on my denim jeans.

"Great!" Camilla exclaimed with an excited smile and grabbed my elbow, dragging me down the stairs to the front door, I planted my feet to the ground to avoid tripping like an idiot.

"Are you sure Blade won't mind?" I glance around the huge mansion looking for any sign of the guys, my heart beating like a drum against my ribcage. "Where is he anyway?"

Cam rolled her eyes at me but replied, brushing her brown curls off her shoulder. "He's still in a super important meeting, Sienna. Just forget about that. We've been locked up in this huge mansion for far too long without anything to do, besides, he doesn't expect us to sit around and die of boredom. I'm sure he won't mind."

He won't mind.

He won't mind.

He won't mind.

I repeat those words over and over again in my mind hoping it could soothe my nerves but it doesn't work one bit. My heart is freaking restless. "What about Nico and Franco?"

"They are passed out in the game room. Apparently, they had too much to drink which gives us the perfect opportunity to go for a quick stroll." Cam says with a mischievous smile that didn't make things any better.

"What if we get caught? Blade is gonna be -"

"Blah blah blah. Can you please stop being a worry whale and come with me? You promised, remember?" She batts her long lashes at me, a childish pout on her face.

"I didn't promise you shit. When you brought it up, I tried to object to it but you didn't listen to a word I said." I tell her with a small frown as she pulls out her phone from her pocket and begins to type on the keyboard, her converse making a squeaking sound against the clean tiles as she paces back and forth. "Like right now, you aren't even listening to me."

"Oh sorry." She squeaks out with a smile, heat creeping up to her cheeks.

I raise a suspicious brow at her as she clutches her phone to her chest and looks everywhere but me. "Who are you texting??"

"Um, no one." She pokes the inside of her cheek with her tongue, not making eye contact.

"That's bull-"

"Enough with the question, Sienna, and let's go before they wake up." She cuts me off in a hurry and grabs my hand as I let out a yelp of surprise.

Camilla shuts the front door of the mansion and glance around us with narrowed eyes. "Let's go there." She drags me down the few steps and over to where Blade's cars are parked.

"Are we taking a car?" I stare at the cars with a skeptical look.

"That's a stupid idea, Sienna." She snorts and pulls me over to another line of cars.

"I didn't suggest, Cam. I only asked." I said, somewhat defensive as Cam grabs my hand again and drags me over to the second gate I didn't know existed.

"Still, that's a stupid question. If we take a car, there's a high risk of us getting caught and we don't want that, do we???" She interlaces her fingers together and gives me a playful glare.

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