Chapter 35 - It's a huge deal

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I never knew how wild my heart could beat until now.

It beats aggressively against my ribcage that I find it hard to take air into my lungs as Blade glances from my eyes to my body, licking his lips subconsciously.

I ignore his earlier words and focus on the damn fact that he's freaking shirtless, his amazing tattoos on display. My eyes trail every single masterpiece on his chest, abs, stomach and arms, no bare skin in sight under the black ink. The only place on his chest that isn't covered with tattoos is the part were is heart beats.

Without thinking twice, I place my hand on his chest and instantly, he shivers under my touch. My fingertips tingle as I feel the soft thud of his heart beat. It's slow and steady; unlike mine that's wild and palpitating. But strangely, both rhythm syncs together.

The noise from the people around us breaks the trance that I seem to be in. Before I can remove my hand from his chest, Blade holds my hand in place, his hand cold against my warm and sweaty ones.

"Your touch is really soothing. It calms the demons that's wrecking havoc in my life." He whispers, fingers drawing shapes at the back of my hand that goosebumps appear.

I narrow my eyes at him in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

He chuckles darkly and lets go of my hand that it falls back to my side. "Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answers to, little one."

My lips curves down into a frown as he smirks and walks over to the direction of Franco.


"Come on, Cam. Let's go swim." I gently tug on her arm but she waves me off with a sigh, chocolate brown eyes focused on Lucas who's flirting with a blonde chick.

"I'm not in the mood to swim, Sienna." She grumbles and snatches her hand away from my hold.

I sigh and make myself comfortable on the chair next to Cam. "He's a fool not to like you back. You're smart, beautiful, intelligent and you make the best chocolate chip cookies."

Cam's lips twitches into a small smile as the chilly evening wind blows through her brown curls. "We make the best cookies, Sienna."

"I know, I know. But seriously, you're amazing and fun to be around. Clearly he's blind not to see what other people see in you." I bump her shoulders with mine, a wide grin on my face as she leans forward and diverts her attention away from Lucas and the blonde chick.

"You really think so?" Cam hesitantly asks, her chocolate brown eyes brimming with unshed tears that it makes my heart to clench.

"I mean it, Cam. Guys like Lucas aren't worth your precious tears. Don't give him the satisfaction by seeing you cry. Let's just get drunk and have fun." I say with a smile, wiggling my eyebrows as she chuckles and pulls me into a tight but comfortable hug.

"Thanks for the kind words, Sienna. You're really a good friend." She murmurs against my neck as I wrap my hands around her.

"It's okay, Cam." I rub her back soothingly.

She finally pulls away from the hug, wipes the stray tears from her cheek with the back of her hand and smiles. "Let's go swim."

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