Chapter 65 - Life's a bitch

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"I've missed you so much, Chica." Chiara breathes out and falls back on my bed with a deflated sigh, her skirt riding up a bit to show the broken heart tattoo on her hips.

"I've missed you more, bitch." I sit next to her with a grin and playfully swat her toned stomach that's on display because of her short red tube top.

Chiara gives me a weak smile, her face crinkling up in irritation when her phone buzzes with a text. She sits up on the bed, her blonde hair falling to frame her face as she stares at the words displayed on her screen.

Not bothering to type back a reply, she tosses the phone to the side and diverts her attention back to me. "Like seriously, Chica, these past few months have been a lot stressful and lonely without you."

I cross my leg against the other and twirl a strand of hair with my fingers. "I'm so sorry about that, Chiara. I won't really say the same because I've got a lot of company here but nothing can measure up to the feelings you get when you're hanging out with your best friend."

Chiara blinks back the happy tears and clears her throat a couple of times. "You say the sweetest words, Sienna."

"I'm really flattered." I tease, placing my hand on my chest to appear more dramatic. I'm so glad Chiara came over to visit. It's been forever since I last laid eyes on her. I'd admit, she has gotten a lot more beautiful in the month that passed us by.

Her blonde hair is long and shiny. The emerald green eyes I've grown to be familiar with looks vibrant than ever, contrasting with her olive skin tone. The fiery glow that's always present in those orbs seems to dim a little.

"Life's a bitch, Sienna. It's been cruel and unfair to me lately." Chiara whispers, pulling the comforter over her hunched up legs and wrapping her arms around them.

She rests her chin on her knees, staring off into space with a frown brushing the corners of her plump lips. She looks defeated.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my heart squeezing in concern at the gloomy look on her face.

"Yes, I'm okay." She says, ignoring the continuous buzzing of her cellphone.

Camilla bursts through the door but halts in her steps when she glances from me to Chiara, an apologetic smile crossing her pursed lips.

"Who's she?" Chiara asks, an unreadable emotion flashing in her eyes.

I stare at Camilla, who shuffles awkwardly by the door, and swallowed the lump in my throat, not knowing how Chiara will act towards Cam. "Um, she is Manuelle's girlfriend. The one he told you about."

Chiara stays silent, processing the few words I just told her. Her bottom lip rolled between her teeth as she eyes Camilla from head to toe, her face void of any emotion.

Camilla glances at me nervously and approaches the bed, sticking her hand out for a handshake, she smiles and mumbles, "I'm Camilla. Nice to meet you."

She hesitates a little and reaches for Cam's outstretched hand, giving it a firm shake. "I'm Chiara. Nice to meet you too."

I pat the spot next to me for Camilla to sit, who gives me a look that says she doesn't want to intrude but I roll my eyes at her and tug her wrist. She falls down on the mattress and playfully slaps my arm.

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