Chapter 3 - Tainted heart and soul

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Never underestimate the enemy.

That was the one thing my father made sure I didn't forget.

You may have the upper hand against your enemy, but you never know what's hidden under their patchy skin or going through their mind at that treacherous minute.

Once you put your guard down, that's when they strike. It's venomous and it always leaves a taunting scar.

When you're in the presence of one, you don't act on impulse or make any rash decisions. Instead, you take your time to observe and figure out the game they're trying to play.

It's always fun to beat them at their own game but it's one thing to be smart and another thing to be wise.

Never underestimate the enemy.

Across the table from me sits Vladimir. The Russian Mafia Don. He's a cunning old man and is known for his sexual escapades with young girls. And of course the stupid old man has a wife who by the way is a damn whore.

I almost shuddered in disgust at that thought.

"I don't joke with my business, Blade. Whatever you want to say, it's best you say it now before I lose my patience." He glances around the private lounge we were presently in and fidgets in his seat. The loud blaring music and the boisterous noise from the drunken crowd in the club adds to the intensity that was slowly seeping into the air.

I give him a hard look as my finger glides around the rim of my glass of wine. "Playing dumb will only make the matters at hand much worse, Vladimir."

He balls his hands into tight fist and takes a sip of his beer to relieve some of the tension coursing through his veins. "It's just 50 million, Blade. I could easily come up with such amount in a week."

Fucking bastard. The last time I asked him about the money he told me it was going to be ready in a month and that was five freaking months ago.

I really didn't know what pushed me into lending him the damn money. Maybe it's the fact that his factory was the best at producing good quality guns that's very essential in my line of work and he has been supplying guns to the Armani empire for years and there hasn't been any slip ups. That isn't something we can afford to loose but the old man's making things a lot difficult for me.

I'm not actually bothered by the money. I just don't want anything else tying me down to him apart from the guns. "Okay. What did you invest the money on?"

A smile crosses his lips as he pulls out a cigarette stick from the pack on the table and lights it up before bringing it to his lips. "I just opened a new casino here in Italy and I'm telling you Blade, business is booming. Things are really looking up for me but don't worry, your money will be ready before the end of this month."

Another damn promise that's just going to end up in the freaking mud.

"I hope so." Is all I can mutter as I rise to my feet and proceed to get the hell out of this bastard's club.

1......2.......3........ I pull out my gun from the waistband of my pants, spun on my heels and shoot the old man right in his shoulder before he could pull the trigger of his gun.

"Never in your fucking life try to pull that shit on me." I grind out as he grips his bloody shoulders, face twisting in pain and fear. "You seem to be forgetting who you're dealing with, old man. I may have let you off the hook right now with a warning but the next time you try that shit, I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your damn skull."

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