Chapter 10 - Distraction

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Loud cheers booms from the elated crowd in the club as the strippers dance seductively around the pole in front of them. Their outfit is nothing less than a sexy lingerie that shows off their perky boobs and ass.

A man sitting in the table next to us, almost goes crazy when the lead stripper takes off her lingerie and showcases her naked assets to the hormonal men bouncing eagerly in their seats. But, what's most disturbing is that the lead stripper's gaze is fixated on me. Her lips pulls into a sexy smirk when my eyes rakes her body.

My lips tugs down into a frown when she pinches her nipples and toss me a flirty wink that could only mean one thing. Fuck.

She's extremely cute and, man, she's got the whole package that even makes my two best friends to fidget in their seat as they grip their manhood.


Things like this doesn't really bring out the sexual reaction in me like it used to. Not like I'm a saint or anything. I can't even recall the name of the girl I slept with last; which was two years ago.

Some might say that I'm sexually deprived which is kind of true but I don't dwell on it. It keeps my brain out of the gutter for a bit; even if it's just for a second.

Once the strippers are done performing, most of the guys and perverted old men rise to their feet, locating the various girls they could spend the night with while some finds their way to the bathroom.

I divert my gaze to the highball glass in my hand that's filled to the top with rum mixed with tonic water and a wedge of lime and mint. Not really the type of drink I would go for but it's better than my usual bottle of beer, in this case. I'm quite surprised that I haven't taking a sip of the drink since I got here. On some cases, I would have consumed five bottles of beer until I can't stand on my own two feet but it's only a matter of time before the cravings kicks in.

The ice jiggles against the glace as I place the drink back on the polished wooden table that's littered with empty bottles of alcohol and cigarette butts.

"Man, I would kill to have my dicks buried into one of those girls." Nico slurs, chugging down his fourth glass of tequila. The guy can drink but he's not an addict like me.

"You say that every time we visit a club." Franco says with slight irritation as he reclines back on the chair and smokes the cigarette in his hand.

"Let the guy live a little." Matteo smirks, tossing Franco a crooked grin.

After our meeting with Matteo's uncle about the sudden bombs that's been going off in every damn club in Italy, Matteo suggested we come here and you know, chill but that hasn't been going well for me.

Who could be responsible for bombing the clubs in Italy? My fucking territory.

So far, the clubs I own isn't on the list which doesn't soothe my worries at all. It increases it beyond measures.

"You getting laid tonight?" Matteo throws the question at me, narrowing his eyes at the neutral expression on my face as the lead stripper, who is a blonde by the way, sashays over to us with a red mini dress.

"Not even for a million dollars." I mutter nonchalantly, putting alot of emphasis in my words when the girl stops right in front of our table, her eyes still glued to me.

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