Chapter 24 - In too deep

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"How did it happen?" I ask through clenched teeth, my grip tightening on the bottle of beer that my knuckles instantly turns white.

Franco narrows his eyes at me in hesitation but speaks, "We're not exactly sure what happened Blade, but someone told us that before the explosion, a certain group of strippers performed and they weren't the ones that we hired."

"Bianca Roberts." I mumble with a slight irritation to my tone.

"That's right." Franco hums in agreement as Nico busies himself on his laptop. "The girls we hired were found dead by the dumpster at the back of the building."

I take a swig of the beer to help calm the raging storm whirling inside of me. The metallic taste of blood makes it way to my tongue as I chew at the inside of my cheek. Someone's going to pay with their dear life. "Who else could be behind the murder other than that fucking bitch?"

Franco nods his head and continues. "They actually made it to seem like a coincidence but if you take a closer look at it, you can tell that it's not. The girls were murdered at exactly 8:30pm sharp. Bianca and her fellow strippers performed 8:35. It just so happens that she didn't do a clean job and left behind an evidence."

My ears perks up as I sit up straight and place the bottle of beer back on the table. "What kind of evidence?"

A smirk crosses Franco's lips as he pulls out a piece of jewelry from his pocket and lays it out on my desk. Taking an image from the bunch of file I haven't sorted out, he slides them over to me. "As you can see in the picture, Bianca wears the exact same necklace as the one I found lying next to the bodies. Clearly, she didn't expect it to fall out from her neck during her mission."

I examine the worthless piece of jewelry that's probably from the 19th century and let my thoughts consume me. It seems like the person out to destroy me is playing a game of cat and mouse which is kind of foolish. The person appears to be forgetting who he is dealing with. The devil doesn't like to play games especially when his opponent wants to take the role of the cat or the big bad wolf.

He likes to be in control and revels in the downfall of his enemies. He's the ferocious tiger and hungers for the blood of his enemies. He's the predator who hunts down his preys and derives satisfaction from seeing them helpless.

But, if it's a game he wants to play, then it's a game he will play and this time, I get to make the first strike.

I take a long sip of the beer and glare at the female posing in the picture. Your time on earth is up Bianca. Time for you to say goodbye. No one causes trouble in my territory and get to live another second. "Take some men with you and bring her to me alive."

Franco cracks his knuckles and smirks. "Your wish is my command boss but if she tries to act all feisty, I don't think I would be able to control myself from blowing her brains out."

"I want her alive Franco." I repeat with a frown. He rolls his at me and walks out of my office.


Nico and I make our way to the game room after I change into a pair of grey joggers and a white plain T-shirt.

He pulls out two bottles of root beer from the mini fridge in the corner and places a bunch of snacks on the table.

Nico tosses me the gaming console and settles in the spot next to me with an excited sigh. "Can't wait to spank your ass."

I flash him a cocky grin. "In your dreams."

Before we could start the game, the door swings open.

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