Chapter 4 - Little one

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I drag my suitcase along with me, my eyes searches frantically around the surroundings to make sure that I wasn't being followed.

Last night I booked a flight to New York City and even went as far as to check through the apartments they have there. Most weren't really up to my taste but they will have to do. I could just lay low for a bit and figure out what I could do with my life.

This morning, I woke up as early as 5am to pack my stuff along with Manuelle and Chiara. Though, they weren't quite pleased that I was running away especially Manuelle but I had to do this to prevent my future from getting ruined.

I took a taxi to the airport instead of my car to avoid being traced or caught. The plan was set and perfectly constructed. Now all I just had to do was wait for my flight which was in the next - I glance at the time on my phone - twenty minutes.

Okay. I can do this.

I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart and wiped my clammy hands on my jeans. I was finally going to get away from Blade and avoid being his wife.

A smile crosses my lips as I sigh. The sweet smell of freedom hung very thick in the air. I'm just one step ahead of leaving everyone I loved and the things I worked hard for behind. Thinking about that makes my heart feel heavy but I ignore it, not wanting anything to ruin this long awaited moment.

I glance at the people around me. Some eager to board the plane and some that just arrived to this country are being engulfed into a tight hug by their families.

Suddenly, the hair at the back of my neck stands upright and the frigid air around me becomes thick with tension.

Something doesn't feel right.

I stare at the couple making out 6ft away from me which was awkward if you ask me and directed my gaze to the floor.

I can't quite shake off this feeling that I'm being watched. That's one thing you're bound to feel when you're in the mafia. It's either you're being watched or you're being followed. Same thing but very different.

Balling my hands into tight fists, I scan my surroundings but don't see anything out of the ordinary. It just seems normal but I know not to believe that.

My dad always says; Trust your instincts. It's only they that can guide you when you're in the midst of foes.

And right now, I could feel it. I could hear the footsteps and the eyes on me but I definitely couldn't see anyone that looked suspicious.

I take a step forward just as two guys wearing a black hoodie abruptly appeared next to me and roughly grabbed each of my arm.

"Come with us quietly or someone is gonna get hurt." Says the blonde guy on my left with emerald green eyes. He had a faded scar on his cheek, a more softer feature and he spoke in measured tones unlike the guy on my right who had a hard-looking and craggy feature. He was alot muscular than the one on my left.

"Get your filthy hands off me." I snap as my hand tightened around my suitcase.

The guy on my right pokes my sides with the tip of his gun and whispers in my ear. "One more word from you and I'm going to blow your brains out."

"Franco, I think the boss wants her unharmed." The blonde guy on my left says.

Boss?? Could it be Blade?

"I know that, Nico." Franco says in a slightly frustrated tone as they both begin to drag me out of the airport.

If it's Blade that sent them to abduct me then my life is officially over.

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