Chapter 53 - Playing with fire

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Last night was amazing. It was the best sex of my entire life.

Blade made me cum three times. It's so un-freaking-believable!!

I'm still mad at him though. He wouldn't tell me what the fuck is going on with him.

I really want to help him with whatever he's going through but he doesn't seem to confide in me. It's hurts though but eventually, I'll get used to it.

I can tell that he isn't the type of person to talk about his feelings or what's bothering him. It's not healthy.

I just wish he can lessen the barrier around his heart and let me in.

Staring at Blade's body on mine, I brush his hair away from his forehead and place a kiss on the spot.

He lets out a groggy groan and nuzzles his face into my neck.

I giggle and try to push his huge weight off me before he crushes my fragile bones but it doesn't seem to work. Fuck and I really need to use the bathroom.

The soft snores he releases tickles the side of my neck. I bite my lip to prevent a noise from escaping and successfully pushed him off my body with all the strength I could muster.

He lands on his back with a slight groan but doesn't wake up. I take that as an opportunity to slowly scramble out of the bed.

Before I can make it to the bathroom, pain erupts in my lower region. I fall back on the floor with a slight grunt.

Damn! I forgot how sore I am.

I hear a dark amused chuckle behind me and I look over my shoulder to see Blade sitting up on the bed with that damn sexy smirk on his beautiful face.

"It seems to be that you're having a little bit of problem walking." He mumbles, stormy grey eyes drifting over to my naked chest. His tongue slowly darts out to lick his lips and I gulped when my pussy throbbed with a familiar ache.

"No I'm not." I tell him defensively and brush my hair away from my face to give him a pointed look.

"Oh really? Walk over to the bathroom while I sit here and enjoy the show." He teases and crosses his arm around his head, the muscles on his chest bulges out at that slight movement.

I grit my teeth together in irritation and take a deep breath before getting ready to stand up. I didn't get to stand erect before I'm falling back to the ground but before my body can make contact with the hard surface, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist securely.

"What were you saying again?" Blade whispers, kissing the tip of my nose as he steadies me and helps me into the bathroom.

"Shut up." I mumble and he lets out a throaty groan when my ass rubs against his hardness.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He bites the side of my neck as we step into the shower.

I smirk evilly and reach down to grab his manhood. He hisses harshly and turns me to face him that my back slams against the tiled walls but not hard enough to affect my shoulders.

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