Chapter 55 - An addict

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I quickly sit up on my bed with wide eyes, glancing frantically around my dark room in search of him.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips when I don't see his menacing figure. It's just a dream. I wipe the beads of sweat on my forehead and checked the time on my phone. 2:35am. Goddammit.

I didn't even get an hour of sleep before the nightmares came flashing back but this time, It has gotten worse over the past few days.

More vivid images of what happened that evening. The emotions came in full force along with the terror filled voices and cries. I was paralyzed to the spot, watching as the dreadful scene unfold right before my eyes.

It was all too much.

I crane my neck to the side to relieve the tension in my body and strolled towards the bathroom. Splashing the cold water on my face, I avoid staring at my reflection in the mirror to prevent myself from smashing it into a million pieces, knowing quite well how terrible I looked. Don't need a fucking reminder.

I take off the only clothing I had on, which was a black sweatpants, and threw on a pair of white T-shirt and grey shorts before stepping out of my room.

Striding towards the bar in the living room, I pick up two bottles of beer and a pack of cigarette, and head to the pool which was quiet and serene; the perfect atmosphere to let my thoughts wander because there's no way I'm going back to bed just for another bad dream to torment me.

I sit at the edge of the pool, shivers run down my spine as my butt made contact with the cold tiles. My legs sway back and forth in the water, the chilly early morning air blows through my messy hair as I place the bottles of beer next to me and lit up a cigarette.

Tilting my head to the back, I blow out a cloud of smoke and watch as it slowly vanishes into the air. I lick my dried lips and try to push the bad thoughts away from my mind but it's quite difficult when they keep dragging me to the depth of all my misery. It's quite suffocating.

I've dealt with the pain, guilt and resentment for years but for how long will it last? How long will it take for me to breathe in without feeling a heavy weight lodged deep in my heart?

I'm just so confused.

I reach for the bottle of beer next to me and take a sip from it, my lips curling into a slight frown when I notice a slight movement in the water. I narrow my eyes at the familiar figure that swims back to the surface and tucks a strand of wet blonde hair behind her ear.

A slight gasp slips out of her lips when those blue eyes lands on me.

Sienna crosses her arms against her chest that's hidden under the water and avoids eye contact with me, a tint of pink coating her cheeks.

That's when it dawned on me that she's freaking naked.

I smirk at that thought. "Baby are you trying to seduce me?"

"You really need to snap out of your insane fantasies and help me with the towel over there." She bites down on her lip and angles her head in the direction were her clothes are discarded on the floor along with a white towel.

"Do you actually swim naked?" I ignore her and lick my lips at the sight of her pink nipples that's on display through the space between her arms.

"No. I couldn't sleep that's why I came out here for a refreshing swim." She blushes when I'm caught staring shamelessly at her chest but I didn't care.

"Mind if I join you?" I rise to my feet and proceed to take off my shirt.

"No, thank you." She mumbles. "Just help me with the towel already and stop staring."

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