Chapter 23 - Reckless

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The world stops spinning around me, my feet stays rooted to the spot as Marcello chews harshly on my bottom lip, seeking for entrance that can never be granted. My eye brows shoots to my forehead in shock as his body is furiously ripped away from me and thrown to the other side of the hall, colliding with a nearby table.

Blade towers over him, his stance rigid and deadly– his stormy grey eyes blazing with fury, grabbing a hold of the collar of Marcello's dress shirt, Blade lifts him up that his feet are dangling in the air and lets out a furious growl that made everyone to take a step back in fear as he lands a hard punch on Marcello's jaw. The impact sends a couple of teeth flying out of his mouth as he lets out a cry of pain.

"How dare you kiss my fiancee?" Blade roars, his nostrils flaring hotly as he flashes murderous glares at the older man.

To everyone's surprise, Marcello lets out a loud laugh, a cocky smirk slowly making it way to his bloody lips. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Armani." He mutters sarcastically, raising a teasing brow at Blade's furious face. "I never knew the girl was way more important to you than a casual hookup."

Blade lands another punch on his jaw and this time, a loud crack resounds through the silent hall. "Look at her." Blade points a finger in my direction and instantly, all eyes falls on me as I rub my arms awkwardly. Some of the stares are judgmental and curious while some ogles my naked laps. Either way, they all make me nervous.

Marcello glances at me, the look he flashes my way makes my stomach to churn in discomfort.

"No one gets to touch her but me. No one gets to kiss those damn lips but me. No one gets to fuck her little pussy but me. No one touches what's mine and get to see the light of day."

My heart freezes in my chest as Blade wraps his hand around the older man's throat and begins to squeeze the life out of him.

Panic courses through me as I glance around the crowd. None of them makes a move to separate the two men. They all watch in horror as Marcello makes a few choking sound and almost goes limp.

I have to freaking do something. If Blade kills him, there's going to be a damn bloody war that neither of us are prepared for.

Swallowing back the bundle of nerves making my head woozy, I take a few steps towards them and gently place my hand on Blade's shoulder in order not to startle him.

My mouth forms an 'o' in surprise when I feel his tense muscles loosen under my delicate touch. His eyes darts to mine, the fury behind those beautiful orbs makes me flinch and instantly, his eyes softens like the beast in him has just been tamed.

I lean down to whisper in his ears, ignoring how his cologne makes my heart to flutter like a hummingbird's wings. "Please, don't kill him, Blade. He isn't worth it to start a long lasting war."

His eyes roams my face for a bit before he releases Marcello who lands on the floor with a loud thud.

My eyes widens like saucers as Blade grips my chin and stares into the depth of my eyes. "He might not be worth it, but you are." Those words makes my heart to palpitate inside my chest that my breathing suddenly comes out ragged. Something inside of me melts into a pile of puddle as the steel walls I built around my heart cracks. Oh no.

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