Chapter 32 - Uninvited

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My grip tightens on the fork as the girl makes her way over to us, the horrible sound of her heels against the tiles makes me to wince as I feel my ears throb.

When she stops right next to Blade and place her hand on his shoulder, a wide grin on her face, I feel my ribs tighten as all eyes turn to gauge my reaction.

Curling my hand around the highball glass, I take a sip of the wine and forced it down my parched throat, the taste oddly bitter on my tongue.

"Natasha, what are you doing here?" Blade whispers, his jaw tightening as he eases away from her touch and keep his gaze focused on the wall.

"You didn't invite me for dinner? I'm quite offended, Blade." She clutches her chest with her hand in mock hurt, her eyes darting over to me with a sinister smile.

"Why would he? This is a family dinner, Natasha. Not a couple of street sluts get together." Franco speaks through clenched teeth, flashing death glares at Natasha who waves him off.

"Very funny, Franco. You haven't changed one bit." Natasha mutters with a sneer and turns to me. "And you must be Blade's fiancee?"

My spine stiffens as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, gnawing at the inside of my cheek that I feel the metallic taste of blood on my tongue, I take another sip of the wine to calm down the anger stirring up inside of me. "Yes. And you must be......" I trail off with a smirk.

"Um, I'm just a friend." She giggles nervously and flops down on the chair next to Blade which was unfortunately opposite me.

"A friend?" I quirk an amused brow at her, ignoring the tingles that Blade's stormy grey eyes erupted in me.

"Yes. I'm a very good friend of Blade. We met a week ago to catch up on the times we've missed." Natasha gives me a sickening smile, putting a lot of emphasis on catch up.

My stomach twisted in knots, knowing exactly what she meant until realization finally dawned on me completely.

She's the bitch that Blade fucked while I was chained to my bed.

That thought alone makes my heart to tighten against my ribcage. I swallow the lump in my throat as she flash me a knowing smirk that didn't make things any better.

Blade runs his hand through his hair, butterflies flutter restlessly in my stomach at that innocent action. I curse under my breath and mentally face palm myself for allowing him to have this ridiculous effect on me.

"What are you doing in my house, uninvited?" Blade grinds out, his knuckles turns white as he grips the edge of the table. His eyes meet mine and I quickly divert my attention back to the food in front of me, not wanting the emotions lurking behind his irises to make my nerves go haywire.

A giggle slips out of her lips, trailing her fingers down his shoulders to his arm, she whispers, "Do I need an invite to come and see you? Apparently, you've forgotten how much fun we had the last time."

My heart drops to my stomach at her words but I keep my face emotionless.

Blade doesn't recoil away from her touch like I thought he would and somehow, it makes the sinking feeling that's swirling around my chest to increase.

Cam arches an eyebrow at me, pure concern swimming in her chocolate brown orbs as she drops her fork back on the plate.

I ignore her and try to pretend like I'm not affected but it's hard when his piercing gaze is on me and he isn't doing anything about Natasha's fingers trailing up his arm. Clasping my hand on my laps to keep it from trembling, Nico nudges his elbow against my arm, a small tight lipped smile on his face. The concern on his face wasn't hard to decipher.

First, Cam stares at me with that expression and now it's Nico? What the freaking hell?

It's not that I like him or anything. Yeah I might be attracted to Blade but it doesn't mean that I have feelings for him.

I shake off the awkwardness that's starting to seep into the air and chug down the whole wine in the glass.

"Don't fucking push me, Natasha." Blade warns, a dangerous edge to his tone that wasn't hard to miss.

A frown crosses Natasha's lips as her eyes darts from Blade to me. "Oh I get it. She has taken my place right?"

"What place?" Blade narrows his eyes at her in confusion.

"All those sex we had didn't satisfy you one bit that's why you got yourself a new fuck body, huh? Oh, wait! Let me put it in the terms she will understand, a worthless whore." Natasha spits out, her tone dripping with venom.

My spine stiffens as silence gradually settles in the air around us. Blade's stormy grey eyes suddenly grew dark and dangerous, his chest rises and fall as his breathing becomes ragged.

"What did you just call me?" I whisper, chewing on my lower lip to prevent myself from lashing out.

"You're a worthless whore." She repeats with a smirk.

I give her a tight lipped smile and rise to my feet, grabbing the cocktail sauce from the middle of the table, I toss the whole content on her face and watch with pure satisfaction as she lets out an awful scream, rubbing desperately at her eyes.

"The next time you call me a god damn whore, I'm gonna pluck out your eyeballs and force it down your throat." I tilt my head to the side and give her the harshest glare I could muster.

Franco lets out a loud laugh and gives me a thumbs up.

Not bothering to check out Blade's reaction, I turn around and make my way up the stairs.

Shutting my bedroom door behind me, I let out a sigh and stride over to the bathroom. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and turn on the faucet, splashing the cold water on my face, I pull my hair into a low ponytail and take off my denim jacket that I hanged on the towel rack.

Before I can take off my black tank top, a knock resounds on my door making my eyebrows to knit together in confusion.

Who could it be?

I place my hand on the door knob but decide against opening it and proceed to take off my tank top but another knock stops me.

Letting out a low groan, I swing the door open and come face to face with Blade Armani. I swallow hard as he takes a step into the bathroom, causing me to take a step back as he shuts the door behind him with his foot.



I really had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope you loved it.

I really had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope you loved it

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