Chapter 16 - Psychotic patient

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I walk through the halls that reminds me of nothing but that day. The pain, the sorrow, the fear, the suffering. Everything. I could feel them tearing down the little wall that I've managed to build around my heart. It's hurts like hell.

Just staring at the white porcelain tiled walls makes me want to throw up. It makes me want to cower in pain and fear, balling my eyes out until I have no more tears to shed. It's sickening.

I check the time on my gold watch, it's 12:00pm. I don't know if I'm late or early but the way my heart beats restlessly in my chest makes me want to get this over with.

Sitting by one of the tables in the room, I recline back on the chair and try to keep my breathing under control. I can do this.

As my fingers tap impatiently on the table, I see him walk into the room accompanied by a nurse. He's dressed in a white plain shirt and trousers, his black hair is messy and his eyes are red and empty.

When his gaze meets mine, All I can feel is pure rage, burning all over my body like hot coals that blood seeps out of my hand the more I dig my nails into it. His face is expressionless as he takes in my furious face.

"You've got five minutes, Mr Armani. The patient needs to take his medication." The nurse informs me but I don't give her a reply because my eyes are glued to the man that ruined my entire life; both the past, present and the future.

"Nice to see that you care about me, son." He whispers hoarsely with a crooked smile that makes me want to end his life. Right here. Right now. But I refrain from doing so.

"Never call me that god damn word because it's worthless when it comes to you." I seethe. Just by staring into his soulless black eyes, all I can see are vile images of the day he killed her. It's terrifies me but I shake off that feeling. There's no place for fear in my life. Only hatred and anger.

He chuckles but it holds no emotion just like his barren heart. The wicked smile he flashes my way sends chills up and down my spine. This man terrifies the shit out of me but I will never admit it openly. "You haven't changed one bit, Blade. You're still the wretched son of a bitch that I was forced to raise."

"Oh really? And whose fault is that?" I ask, shooting daggers at his annoying face.

His lips twist into a frown as he rubs the stubble on his face. "That question is kind of stupid Blade. She deserves to die and rot in hell. You should have joined her in the casket, the moment you had the chance to but don't worry, another opportunity will come your way. I heard you've persuaded Francesco's daughter to marry you. If you want, I can do the same thing I did to your mother to her and this time, you can join her in the casket."

My body boils with rage as I stand up from the chair and grab him by the throat. Hearing him say those words about mom stabs me repeatedly in my chest. It punctures my heart and leaves behind a nasty scar. Mom didn't deserve to die. She was too sweet, pure and innocent for the wicked world we live in. She tried all she could to shield me away from the darkness but the force was too strong. This fucking monster took her away from me. He took away the only source of happiness I had in my life. He ruined me.

I might not like Sienna but I can't quite shake off the feeling to protect her at all cost. I don't know what it is but I don't think it's going anywhere soon.

"You know, I could just kill you here and no one's going to do anything about it." I mumble. My voice drips with nothing but venom as he trembles under my cold hard gaze. "But I'm not a monster like you. I'm not a psychotic maniac like you. I'm not evil like you. All this doesn't mean that I'm not going to derive total satisfaction from watching you suffer until you die a slow painful death. The next time you say shit about my mom or my fiancee, You're going to see just how ruthless I can be and this time, you won't find mercy in my eyes."

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