Chapter 27 - Not a fan of cookies

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"Are you sure about that, Mija?" Matilde asks, face twisting in concern as Camilla ushers her out of the kitchen.

"Yes mamma." Camilla rolls her eyes, pushing back her brown curls away from her forehead. "When have I ever lied to you?"

Matilde halt in her steps and turns to Camilla with a 'are you kidding me' look that I tried not to laugh at. "Last Christmas, you told me the sweater I made for you got stolen by a group of thieves on your way back from the store."

"Yeah, what your point?" Camilla shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That night, I found the sweater hidden under your bed." Matilde narrows her eyes at Camilla and placed her hands on her hips.

Cam runs her hands through her brown curls and mutters with a sheepish smile, "The sweaters were embarrassing mamma. They could ruin my reputation."

"What reputation?" Franco pipes up with a taunting smirk as he takes a sip of the coffee that Matilde prepared.

"Shut up." Camilla grinds out with a glare that made him to raise his hands in the air in surrender. Nico snickers next to him but gives a slight cough when Camilla directs her glare to him.

"I made them out of love." Matilde deadpans with an eyebrow raised, a ghost of a smile crossing her lips.

"And I apologized for it. Like seriously, let it go." Camilla mumbles and continues to usher Matilde out of the kitchen who looks a bit reluctant to leave us behind in her beloved kitchen.

"Just promise me you won't burn the place down." Matilde grins, eyes bright with concern as she pats her daughter's cheeks.

"I promise, mamma. You need to take a break. Besides, the boys are here to keep an eye on us." Camilla gestures to the three men sitting behind the counter. Two with bored looks on their faces while the other types away at his phone, a frown etched on his beautiful face.

"Fine." Matilde sighs, looks around the kitchen one more time and walks out of the kitchen with a relieved look on her face.

"Time to get baking." Camilla announces with a smile, tying her hair up into a bun, she saunters over to the fridge, chocolate brown eyes skimming over the content.

I hop off the counter stool next to Franco and stride over to Camilla as she pulls out the ingredients for the cookies.

"Do we need eggs and butter for the cookies?" Cam questions over her shoulder, eyeing the crate of eggs on the top shelf with uncertainty in her warm chocolate brown eyes.

I give her a nonchalant shrug, grabbing the packet of sugar and flour from her arms. "I don't know. Why asking me?"

Camilla turns to me with a look I couldn't quite decipher. "I thought you said you knew how to make cookies."

I place the sugar and flour on the granite counter top and grabbed the vanilla extract from her grip. "Correction Cam, I baked cookies back in highschool but it doesn't mean I know the exact steps to follow when making one."

Camilla rolls her eyes at me and shuts the fridge. "Never mind. I'll just Google it. I'm sure it isn't that difficult to make a chocolate chip cookie."

Pulling out her phone from the back of her pocket, Camilla types in a couple of words in the search bar and begins to scroll through the contents it brings out.

I divert my attention over to the man that has been clouding my thoughts ever since I set my eyes on him even though I didn't quite realize it yet. He's dressed in a plain white T-shirt and black joggers, his hair damp from the shower he took earlier, some of the strands fall on his forehead, shielding me from staring into those gorgeous stormy grey eyes.

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