Chapter 19 - It's your choice

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I don't know what's much worse.

Being chained to the bed like an animal or hearing the annoying moans from the girl that Blade fucks.

It's definitely the latter. It kept me awake all night and the chains were inconvenient.

I'm not exactly sure how to feel knowing that Blade is fucking someone behind my back. We aren't married yet but it doesn't change the fact that he cheated on me. I know I shouldn't care since I don't like him and he doesn't like me but I just can't shake off the slight hurt and jealousy that I feel.

I don't know where this emotions are coming from but it's starting to weaken the steel walls that I built around my heart. I can't be weak. I just can't.

Blowing out an exasperated sigh, a knock on the door jerks me out of my thoughts. I try for the twentieth time to get my hands free but I hiss when the damn chains comes in contact with my bruised skin. Fuck.

"Come in." I begrudgingly mutter when the unknown person knocks again. The door opens and in walks Nico with a tray of bacon and eggs, pancakes and a cold glass of orange juice. My mouth instantly waters at the sight but that stops when I realize something.

Guilt slowly creeps into my heart as Nico places the food on my bedside table, his face expressionless as he does so.

He turns to go but my voice stops him.

"Nico, wait." I breathe out, crossing my legs against the other to get comfortable.

"What?" He mumbles without staring back at me. Nico is always the cheerful and easygoing type between him and Franco. It baffles me that his actions towards me is kind of dull. I shouldn't be that surprised. He must have gotten in trouble with Blade when I escaped.

"I know my escape must have gotten you in trouble with Blade and I'm sorry. I just don't like the idea of getting married to someone against my will. It's -"

"It's okay. I get it." He flash me a small smile over his shoulder and walks out of my room.

I swallow the lump in my throat and sighed.

Am I cursed or something?

First, I'm going to get married to someone against my own free will. Second, I escape but it puts my best friend in danger, got Nico in trouble and who knows what this country will suffer if Blade didn't find me. My escape will guarantee to nothing.

I fight back the tears that's threatening to fall and divert my attention to the delicious food on my bedside table. My lips twist into a frown when I realize for the fifth time today that I'm chained to the bed and that means I can't eat my breakfast. Fuck.

When the hell is Blade going to unchain me? Haven't I been punished enough?

I scoff at that thought. He's probably having the time of his life with that fucking whore. Thinking about it makes me the feelings to stir in my chest but I ignore it. It's probably for the best that I don't dwell on it.

Speaking of the devil, he strides into my room - without knocking - dressed in a black suit, his face conveyed a grim expression as he stops right next to me.

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