Chapter 9 - Don't need a babysitter

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I sit cross-legged on the bed and place my half-finished sandwich back on the tray. Taking a sip of the freshly squeezed orange juice that Matilde had the pleasure of making for me, I surf through social media on my phone, the book I swiped from Blade's desk earlier today sits next to my foot.

The book was supposed to kill my boredom and keep me sane during my stay here but unfortunately for me, it's about the history of the Armani empire and other Italian mafias including the war that happened many years ago which didn't quite intrigue me. I mean, who the hell reads this kind of stuff?

Letting out a weary sigh, I switch off my phone and tossed it unto my bed before making my way into the luxurious bathroom to take a quick shower. Yeah, that's right. I was a bit lazy to do so earlier.

Once I endured another minute under the cold water that made goosebumps to appear on my skin, I reach for the white towel hanging on the towel rack and wrapped it around my body.

Since I was in a rush to leave my house, I didn't pack enough clothes that could last me a week and the ones in my luggage aren't really up to my taste. It's probably Manuelle that packed it up for me. I trust Chiara's sense of fashion.

Deciding on a black printed T-shirt that hung loosely on my body and a black jean shorts, I tie my wet hair up into a messy bun and saunter out of the room.

I've been in this mansion for like two days and I haven't come up with a good escape plan.

It's difficult when there's eyes watching your every move. Blade's mansion is five times bigger than my dad's. Every entrance is heavily guarded. No one gets in or out without Blade's knowledge.

If I managed to escape, I'm pretty sure I won't walk 10ft away from the mansion without getting caught. But for now, I'll just have to observe everyone's movements and know how to strategize my plan.

I jog down the stairs and stride towards the kitchen which happens to be my favorite part of the mansion. Don't ask me why, it's classified.

My stomach grumbles at the sweet aroma of Matilde's cooking as I step into the kitchen.

"Hey there, cara." Matilde smiles at me as she pulls out a batch of apple pie cookies from the oven.

"Baking again I see?" I smile, hopping unto the counter stool. This woman really needs to rest. It's either she's cooking or baking something that could make your stomach make room for fourth.

Matilde returns my smile with a wide grin. "Just trying out a new recipe, cara. Here, try a bite and tell me what you think." She pushes the tray towards me with a nervous smile on her face as she takes off the oven mitts.

I have a half finished sandwich in my room that's begging for my attention but trying something else wouldn't hurt. I grab a cookie and pop the whole thing into my greedy mouth. A loud moan slips out of my mouth at the deliciousness of the cookie, catching the attention of the other cooks and a very awkward looking Blade, standing by the doorway with a brunette next to him. He was dressed in a black suit which seemed to be his usual attire and the brunette was dressed in a blue high waisted jeans and a white crop top.

"I think I got my answer." Matilde flashes me a wink over her shoulder and saunters off.

I swallow the last bit of cookies in my mouth and clear my throat nervously as Blade approaches me with the brunette walking behind him.

"That was very inappropriate if you ask me." Blade says with a slight smirk while the brunette flashes me a frown that I totally ignored.

"No one asked you." I roll my eyes at him as one of the cook slides a mug of coffee my way. Just as I grab the mug from the counter, Blade takes it from my grasp before I could take a sip.

"I see you haven't learned any manners since you got here." Blade mutters as he takes a long gulp of my coffee.

"Why don't you teach me?" I glare at him.

"I'll be glad to teach you, bambola." He licks the coffee off his lips and smirks when he sees the distracted look on my face which I covered up by deepening my glare. "But unfortunately, I have important matters to attend to. This is Alice, she would be keeping you company while I'm away." He gestures to the girl who didn't seem to be pleased with the idea. Glad the feeling's mutual.

"I'm so flattered that you seem to care about me but I'm fine being on my own and don't need a babysitter. To hell with that." I say through gritted teeth but Blade drops the mug of coffee on the marble counter top and takes my jaw in a firm grip, forcing my eyes to meet his.

He traces my lips with his fingers. The slight touch sent a shiver down and up my spine. I could sense Alice's glare on me but I ignored her like the parasite she was. "You're in my house, bambola. Talking to me with such disrespect is never an option. It's either you comply with this or I chain you to my bed until I get back."

The thought of him chaining me to his bed seemed to be a more pleasant option. Who knows the kind of unholy things he could do to me on that bed.

Fuck. Sienna this isn't the time to think about things like this.

"Glad to see we're on the same page." He whispers in an inaudible tone so Alice wouldn't get a drift of what he said. "Call me if you need anything."

Blade rises to his feet and turns to Alice whose gaze was glued to the floor in fear. "I'm sure you know the consequences if something happens to her Alice?"

"Yes sir." She mutters

He nods his head and flashes me a look before walking out of the kitchen.


"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Alice as she types away on her phone. If I was going to be stuck with this bitch, I would have to make it work.

"Not interested." She mutters without taking her eyes off the screen as I fumbled for the remote. Her phone rings and she brings it to her ear.

Well, I tried.

I ignored her and tuned in to my favorite show.

"Oh My Gosh! Girl. I saw the picture of the outfit you sent- It brings out your ass and boobs perfectly. You should wear it to the club. Unfortunately, I can't- I have to babysit..... I'm telling you girl- she's annoying." Alice flashes me a glare and walks towards the kitchen.

My mouth drops open in shock but I don't bother to reply because it's a waste of time and good insults. I return my attention back to the TV and pretend that she doesn't exist which seem to be impossible when she keeps gushing about a very inappropriate dress.



Who likes Alice?

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Xoxo, Jana.

Follow me on IG; Jana-writes64.

I love you all:)

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