Chapter 31 - Don't drink and Drive

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We walk pass the shooting range, the sound of bullets hitting their targets resounds through the steel walls as we come to a stop right in front of a group of teenagers, within the age of 18 and 23.

Dante tells me about each and everyone of them, their names, age, where they came from, and their reason to join the Armani empire but my mind seem to be occupied with a certain Blonde girl.

I haven't been able to get the damn kiss out of my head. Her soft plump lips molding against mine, her fingers buried deep in my hair, her body's instant reaction to the way I pinched her hardened nipples did unexplainable things to me. It fucking drives me crazy.

I've never wanted a girl this much the way I want Sienna. It feels so foreign, yet so terrifying. I want her. All of her. She amazes the fuck out of me.

Running my hand through my hair, Dante dismisses the group of teenagers who stares at the surroundings with a look of determination in their eyes.

"When do you want their training to commence?" Dante asks.

"Next month." I say with a gruff tone, slipping on my dark sunglasses. "In the mean time, just teach them the basics. I expect perfection, Dante."

He trembles under my stare but answers without a second thought. "You got it, boss."

I give him a curt nod and make sure everything is in place before walking out of the building.

"Any news on Matteo?" I ask Nico, hopping into the driver's seat of my car as Nico replies to some texts on his phone.

"None yet." He mumbles, taking a quick glance at the road ahead. "Words got back to him that we kidnapped Bianca and killed her. Obviously, the guy is a fucking pussy. He went into hiding to prevent himself from ending up like that bitch."

I chuckle at the enthusiasm that drips from Nico's tone. It's pretty obvious that Bianca is valuable to them but too bad I ended her life. It made their plan to crumble a bit. Killing Bianca was just a tip of the iceberg. Once I find out the motherfucker planning to destroy me, hell will fucking break loose.

Judging by Matteo's stubbornness, I can tell he's the type of person that won't give up easily until he reaches his goal even if he has to execute his plan from the shadows.

Someone is clearly giving him the orders but who?

I squeeze my eyelids shut and return my gaze back to the road as a sigh leaves my lips.

"Tell a few of our men to keep tabs on Marcello. I want to know his whereabout at all time."

Nico nods his head and pulls out his phone to send them a text.

With one hand on the steering wheel, I reach for the bottle of beer in the backseat, pulling the cap open, I bring the bottle to my lips as the liquid slides down my throat, leaving a burning sensation as it reaches my stomach that growls in discomfort.

"You know it's bad to drink and drive, right?" Nico's lips twitches into a smirk as I drum my fingers on the steering wheel and take another long sip of my beer.

"That's stupid, Nico. Who ever made up that rule, anyway?" I quirk an unimpressed eyebrow at him as he stares out the window.

"I'm not exactly sure– I guess it's the law around here." Nico hums, twirling the ring on his finger.

"I am the law, Niccolò. I get to do whatever I want." I toss the empty bottle of beer to the backseat and light up a cigarette.

"Whatever. You do you. It's your funeral." Nico smiles at the scowl on my face. "Anyway, what's going on with you and Sienna?" .

I freeze, the cigarette halfway to my lips as I swallow hard and contemplate on something to tell him. "Nothing. Why?"

A mischievous smirk crosses his lips. "Don't play dumb with me, man. You fucking kissed her on the freaking stage in a room full of people. Clearly it wasn't an ordinary kiss by the way you two were shoving your tongues into each other's mouth. There's something going on between you two."

I keep my gaze locked on the tarred road, avoiding Nico's questioning gaze. "There's nothing going on between us. I don't like her and she doesn't like me. It's as simple as that, Nico."

"Those are pure lies, Blade. I'm not buying that shit one bit. You fucking like her." Nico wiggles his eyebrows and gives me the look he knows I hate.

I flash him a glare and slam my fist on the wheel hub, diverting to the other lane to avoid getting crushed by a truck, I turn to Nico who wouldn't stop flashing me that goddamn look. "Will you stop staring at me like that? It's getting kind of annoying."

He doesn't stop and a groan slips out of my lips as I slowly admit. "Okay fine. I'm attracted to her but I don't like her. They are two different things, Niccolò."

A smirk crosses his lips but he doesn't reply which I'm thankful for.


I stare at Sienna's face over the glass of my wine. She brushes her blonde hair away from her shoulders and chokes at something Cam whispers in her ear. Swatting her arm, Sienna takes a bite of the peach cobbler and laughs as Matilde smacks Nico upside the head for stealing a bunch of Cam's fish Tacos when she wasn't looking.

Nico gives her a sheepish grin as Matilde saunters back to the kitchen.

"Dick head." Cam mutters under her breath with a scowl.

Nico toss her a wink and shoves a couple of fries into his mouth. Greedy asshole.

"So Blade, wanna tell us why you kissed Sienna in the middle of her strip dance?" Franco pipes up, a devilish smirk making it way to his lips.

Sienna freezes, her fork dropping from her hand to the plate that it makes a clanking sound.

Everyone seated at the table stares at us, anticipating my answer.

I glare at Franco whose smirk widens as I clear my throat awkwardly and wipe the corner of my lips with the napkin. "No reason."

Sienna blushes as I make eye contact with her, the sight so fucking cute that it makes my heart to stutter. Fuck.

"We aren't idiots, Blade." Cam smirks, playing with rim of her wine glass. "Just tell us what we want to know."

I flash them all a scowl, clearly they've ganged up on me. Sienna chews on her food slowly, the blush on her cheeks intensifying by the minute.

Before I can tell them off, the sound of heels clacking against the tiles resounds through the walls as a familiar girl appears by the doorway.

"Hello everyone." Natasha says with a smile.



........well that was– unexpected.......
I hope you guys loved it. I'll try and post another chapter tomorrow.

 I'll try and post another chapter tomorrow

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