Chapter 72 - That's a first

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It took a month for us to heal, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Even up to this point, I still haven't gotten over the death of Chaira. It makes my heart ache every damn time I think about our moments together.

Marcus was devastated and inconsolable. He was silent during his daughter's funeral and refused to leave the place she was buried even when it was raining.

I really feel bad for him.

His wife left him and now, his daughter is dead. Life really is unfair.

Marcus left Italy, unable to stay here because of the good and bad memories that reminds him of his constant loss, and went to Spain to start a new life.

He was like a father to me and I was a bit sad about his departure but he needed it dearly to stay sane.

Camilla and Manuelle's relationship grew stronger over the month. It really brings me to tears - happy ones - to see my brother happy with the woman that he loves. They both care for each other and I know that with time, a ring will finally be added to the picture.

I feel so happy right now.

"Come on, baby! Lets not go. You can send Azzurra her present tomorrow morning. I need to be inside you." Blade pleads with a smirk, his eyes shamelessly ogling my body as I put a red mini dress and applied makeup to my face.

"Stop being a whiny bitch and go get dressed. Azzurra is my friend and I just can't miss her birthday party without a suitable reason." I mumble and curl my hair with the curling iron.

"But -"

"Sex is not a suitable reason, Blade. Go get dressed. Your suit is already laid out for you." I say and stare at my reflection in the mirror before turning to stare at my fiance, sleeping lazily on the bed with that fuck me look in his eyes. I'd be lying if I said that didn't turn me on.

"I'm not going, baby. Birthday parties aren't my thing. It's too lame for a Mafia Don." He says in a groggy tone and gives me a smirk when I squeeze my legs shut to relieve the ache I feel down there.

"Just please, come with me." I say with a pout but he rolls his eyes at me, his inky black hair flops on his forehead as he turns his back to me.

"Not interested." He groans.

"Fine, then. Since you aren't coming along, I'll just meet the handsome guys I see there to dance with me and if possible, they could land a free fuck if I'm horny." A smirk crosses my lips when he quickly sits up on the bed and gives me the most deadliest glare that he could ever muster.

I won't admit it to him but I felt a bit frightened.

"You wouldn't dare do such a thing, love. No one touches what's mine and lives. You belong to me." He growls, licking his lips in a seductive way as his eyes roams my body.

"Too bad. You better come if you don't want them to live a bite mark." I say with an evil laugh and don't wait for his response before walking out of his room and down the stairs.

"How many girls do you think will be there?" Nico asks me when I step into the living room.

Camilla scrunches her face in disgust and leans closer to Manuelle's broad chest.

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