Chapter 44 - It's weird

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His lips burns a trail of hot kisses from my neck to my shoulders, fingers gripping my hips in a firm hold. His teeth gently grazed my earlobe, tugging and licking the sensitive flesh ever so slightly that I shuddered hard at the intense emotions that flowed through me.

"Oh, the things I'm going to do to you, tonight." Blade murmurs against my skin, his hot breath making goosebumps to appear as he drags his lower lip up my neck and captures my lips in another kiss.

I can feel the tightness in my lungs for lack of air but I ignore it, wanting to savour this moment for as long as I can.

He reaches for the hem of my tank top and pulls the piece of clothing over my head along with my black lace bra that he tosses to the floor.

"Get on the bed. Now." He demands in a deep and sexy tone, stormy grey eyes darkening as I obey and walk towards the huge bed. Once I'm seated on the comfy mattress, Blade approaches me like a tiger stalking it prey, he slips out of the suit jacket and takes off his white dress shirt in an instant.

He slowly crawls over to me, pulls my shorts and panties down my legs, his hands caressing my inner thighs as I kick them off my legs.

I should feel nervous now that I'm bare before his heated gaze that fills my body with warmth the longer they linger on my skin– but I'm not. All I feel is excitement as Blade hooks his arm around my leg, that it widens apart, and trails hot kisses from my feet to my hips.

"You're so freaking wet for me, bambola." Blade whispers, licking his lips subconsciously as he teases my slick opening with his fingers.

A harsh slap against my throbbing pussy makes my body to tremble vigorously as a gasp slips out of my lips.

I stare wide-eyed at him, a smirk touching the side of his lips as he spanks me again but this time it's more harsher than the first.

The pain subsides and is now replaced with a burning sensation that's driving me wild.

"Do you like that, little one?" He asks, stormy grey eyes glazing with lust. I nod my head rapidly and let out a slight whimper when he spanks me again on my pussy. "I asked you a question, baby doll. I expect an answer."

I nibble on my lower lip and slowly mumble. "Yes. I like it."

"That's a good girl." He praises and latches his mouth on my clit without warning.

My legs feels weak from the tension that rolls through my body as he continues his onslaught of pleasure on my pussy.

I run my fingers through his hair, a loud moan slipping out of my lips as he thrust his tongue into me, teasing and stroking every damn area. It's amazing, yet, I feel so on edge but my orgasm doesn't ripple out of me.

The bastard knows exactly what he's doing. I should feel a slight anger at this but my body is tingling with excitement and impatience.

I pull his head away from my pussy in frustration and kiss his swollen lips. "I want your damn cock inside of me."

He smirks against my lips and pulls away from me. "Patience, tesoro."

I bite my lower lip to prevent myself from throwing a bunch of curse words at him.

Before I can drag in another breath, Blade grabs my ponytail and yanks my head to the back.

My breathing increases as he palms and massages my breast, his tongue doing wonders on my shoulder blades.

With his fingers tugging relentlessly at my hardened nipples and his teeth sinking into my delicate skin, I writhed desperately against him, My chest heaving up and down from my ragged breathing.

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