Chapter 33 - Challenge

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"That was some amazing shit you did there." Blade says with a smirk, cornering me against the wall next to the sink that my back hit the cold tiles, making a shiver to run down my spine.

My heart begins to palpitate as he placed both hands on either side of me with an eyebrow raised as I wipe my clammy hands on my denim skirt, and searched through the messy thoughts swirling around in my head to come up with a coherent word.

"Haven't you heard of personal space?" I blurt out, chewing on my bottom lip as his eyes scan my face, amusement evident in those fucking stormy grey eyes.

He chuckles, the sound making me shiver against him as he press his body closer to mine that I could feel his hard muscles through his black suit. "Yes, bambola, but obviously, I don't give a flying fuck."

I swallow hard and try to focus on the fact that he had sex with Natasha and he obviously didn't seem bothered by her touch.

"Natasha, huh?" My cheeks reddened as his tongue darts out to lick his lips in amusement.

Why did I fucking blurt that out?

"Jealous are we, little one?" He loosens my hair from my ponytail that it falls on my shoulders, shielding my eyes from staring at his handsome face. I brush my hair away from my face and glare at him.

"I'm not jealous, Blade. You can do whatever the hell you want." I keep my gaze locked on the tattoos that's peaking out on his chest.

Blade takes my chin in a firm grip and forces my eyes to meet his. "You make eye contact with me when I'm talking to you, bambola."

"And what if I don't?" I whisper daringly, tilting my head to the side to gauge his reaction.

Instantly, his eyes darken like the clouds in the skies when there's a storm coming. It makes my heart flutter in my chest.

"Be careful what you wish for little one. Because a tiger never backs down from a challenge." He whispers hoarsely in my ears, his tone so fucking dangerous; full of warning and unspoken promises that made my body to tremble against his.

"Never forget who you're dealing with, piccola." He rasps, nibbling gently on my earlobe, sending a spark of electricity throughout my body.

"I know exactly what I wish for, Armani. But you should also know that the tigress never fails to win a challenge that she's proposing." I lick my lips subconsciously as my fingers trail up his broad chest while I keep intense eye contact with him.

I have no idea where this confidence is coming from but I like it. It's nice to be in control.

The more I stare into his eyes, the more I want to get lost in the raging storm that's creeping in those gorgeous orbs and never be found.

"Are you forgetting our game of seduction?" He whispers, playing with the hem of my tank top that I'm itching to take off.

Oh My God! What's wrong with me?

"I haven't forgotten. But I can see you're about to lose." I say with a smirk that makes his fingers to freeze at the hem of my tank top.

"Who says I lost, bambola? In this case, we both lost. The game is basically off." His deep voice makes me to shiver. He smirks when he notices the effect he has on me.

"True." I agree with a hum. "So, Natasha, huh?"

I reel back to the conversation as my eyes darts to his enticing lips.

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