Chapter 25 - Getting along

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Picking out a few books from the paranormal section of the library, I slide into the comfy chair and dropped the book on the table, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I sip the caramel macchiato iced coffee that I had Matilde prepare for me and flip open the book that caught my interest first.

Before I can get to the third line of chapter one, a certain girl appears in front of me with a book in her hand, her warm chocolate brown eyes glancing from my face to the empty chair opposite me.

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and divert my attention back to the book I was reading.

"What ya reading?" She questions with a grin as she flops down on the chair, clasping her hands on the table as I take another sip of my iced coffee.

"Why are you talking to me?" My lips curves down into a frown when she gives me a confused look, her blue painted nails drawing invisible shapes on the dark wooden table. The wind whooshes through the window and blows though her brown curls.

I don't mean to be rude but ever since she kind of flirted with Blade, I can't seem to help but dislike her. Who does she think she is?

I mean, laughing with him and touching his shoulder counts as a flirt right??

"Is it a crime?" She raises a dark brow at me and grins. "I just want to know the girl who's going to be Blade's wife."

I shut the book with a little too much force than intended and give Camilla my full attention. I gnaw at the inside of my cheek when she gives me another bright smile. I don't actually care if I'm over exaggerating but what's mine is mine. Feelings attached or not.

"How do you know that?" I scrutinize her with my piercing gaze, taking a sip of the now lukewarm iced coffee. I force the liquid than my throat and place it back on the table. Licking the drop from my lips, I lean back on the chair and intertwine my fingers together.

Camilla brushes some brown curls from her forehead and sighs. The freckles above her nose comes to view as she scowls at the crumbs of chips scattered on the table. My bad. Brushing it away, she flashes me a smirk that makes my eyebrows to knit together in confusion.

"Don't you know?" She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, grabbing the books I set aside, Camilla tilts her head to side, her eyebrows drawn together as she scans the title.

"Know what?" I ignore the urge to snatch the books away from her grip and chug down the whole content of my iced coffee.

Propping her elbows on the table, her eyes darts to my face for a second before she flips the book open. "Matilde is my mother."

Definitely didn't see that coming.

"Oh." I hum, dragging a hand down my face as Camilla slides the book over to me and opens another with a look of interest in her chocolate brown eyes.

"Yeah." She nods, without taking her eyes of the book. "I'm not exactly sure if they've told you anything but, Blade, Franco, Nico and I, grew up together after some mishaps. So, we're basically siblings. Not by blood but by the love we have for each other."

"Oh." I mumble. Okay– This is awkward.

"Wait," Camilla leans forward on the table with a knowing smirk stretched out on her lips, the heart shaped necklace dangles around her neck by the slightest move. "Did you think I was into Blade?"

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