Chapter 57 - Loose you

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Franco filled me in on what went down yesterday and to say the least, I'm quite surprised. It makes me wonder if the person that's plotting the downfall of Blade is behind the death threats that I've been receiving everyday.

It's starting to get frustrating.

I really want to get to the bottom of this but it's hard when you don't have any leads on where to start or even a damn suspect.

The only person that comes to mind is Marcello. I don't think he's that petty to be sending me death threats. His last words to me are pretty much engraved in my brain.

One day, I'm gonna get you principessa. You will be mine, eventually. Mark my words.

I shiver slightly at the chills that runs down my spine and make my way to Blade's office.

He has been there for over two hours now. Refusing to see or talk to anyone. I'm starting to get worried.

I just hope he hasn't resorted to pills and alcohol to solve his problems.

It breaks my heart to know that he witnessed the terrible death of his mother at a very young age. It's such a traumatizing experience.

How can a father be this heartless??

I blow out an heavy sigh and knock on the door to his office. There's no response on the other side.

My knuckles start to sting from how hard I've been knocking on the door until I decide to swing it open and walk in.

I suck in a harsh breath when my eyes lands on Blade. He's seated at his desk with a bottle of half finished beer in his hand and a cigarette in between his lips.

At least he isn't taking the pills.

I stride towards him and snatch the bottle from his hand with a frown.

He stares up at me and reaches for the bottle but I pull it further away from him. "Give it back to me, Sienna."

"No, Blade. Enough is Enough. You can't keep doing this to yourself. It's not healthy." I say through clenched teeth and take the cigarette from his lips. He glares at me as I put it out and place the bottle on his bookshelf.

"What do you expect me to do Sienna? They almost killed you." He whispers softly and runs his fingers through his messy hair.

My heart clenches at the sight of the broken man in front of me. I walk towards him and sit on his desk, opposite where he's seated, and place my foot on the chair's armrest on either side of him.

"But I'm not dead, Blade. Do you see a bullet hole sticking out of me? Do you see me lying helplessly in my own pool of blood?" I ask, tilting my head to the side as he nods his head and licks his lips. My nipples harden through my short cropped top, pressing against the silk material at the intensity of his piercing gaze. "I'm right here Blade and I'm not going anywhere."

He rolls his bottom lip between his teeth and grasp my hips, his touch sending a burning sensation down my spine as he pulls me onto his lap.

A sound escapes my throat at the sudden friction that arises between my legs as my pelvis grinds against his hard erection through his black jeans.

"I can't afford to loose you, love." He whispers, a tortured groan slipping out of his pink lips when I palm him through his jeans and begin to run my tongue along his collarbone.

The black hoodie he's wearing seems to be a hindrance so I reach for the hem and pull it over his head, the muscles on his chest and veins on his hands flexes by the slight movement. It makes my mouth to water.

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