Chapter 13 - Crappy revelation

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Slouching down lazily on the chair in the library like I've been doing all afternoon, I flip through the various books I picked out from the bookcases.

Most of the books stacked here are cheesy romance stories that makes we want to barf every time I get to the part were the main character profess their undying love for each other with a heart stopping kiss and blah blah blah.

It irks me that the naive girl in the story always falls for the typical bad boy who is a total asshole and a pain in the butt– The guy every parents wants their daughters to stay away from but as usual, the warning falls on deaf ears. It's so annoying and cliché that some times I get the overwhelming urge to punch the author right in the face. Have to admit though, when I get deeper into the story, I can't seem to quit the book no matter how annoying it is.

There's just something about those kinds of stories that piques the interest of the readers. The only downside for reading this stories is that, it reminds me of something so wonderful and priceless that I can never have even if I tried. It reminds me of the hole that's etched unto my heart. It's just........ hurts to think about.

I shake my head to rid myself of those thoughts. It's bad enough that I don't have someone I trust and someone who cares about me but it's soul crushing to let your mind wander over to dangerous territory. For years, I've gone through life without thinking about shit like this but why is now different?

Shutting the book with a loud sigh, My eye brows scrunch together in confusion as I hear a footstep and a rustling sound. My heart begins to race when the sound stops and resumes almost instantly.

Instinctively, I stand up from the chair and get into a fighting stance. I'm not exactly sure about the number of people that lives in Blade's mansion but the thought of someone sneaking up on me could only mean one thing.

When you're born into the world of criminals and murder, you can't be certain that the life you live is going to be all rainbows and sunshine. Not every one likes you and wants the best for you. Trust no one, no matter how hard they try to prove their self to you because it will only end up in pain and regret.

I slowly walk towards the romance section of the library since that's where the sound seem to be coming from, holding my breath as the footsteps comes to a halt, I hide behind the bookcase and peep out from the spot to see a man's silhouette hunched over at the side with a book tucked under his armpit and another in his hand.

My heart rate immediately spikes up but I take a deep breath to calm myself and with one step at a time, I stride towards the silhouette, careful not to make any sound. Just as I'm about to jab my foot in his back, he whirls around and takes my foot in his hand before it comes in contact with him.

"Let go of me, you creep." I hiss in anger but the familiar face that comes to view makes me to breathe out in pure relief.

"Sienna, what the hell?" Franco whispers with a panicked look on his face as he hides the books behind his back making my curiosity to increase.

"What? I thought you were a criminal out to get me." I mumble childishly, tightening my hold on the hem of my black jacket.

He gives me an unamused look. "A criminal? Seriously? Blade doesn't let anyone he doesn't trust into his house so don't entertain such thoughts again. You're safe here."

I nod my head and point to the books behind him with a smile on my face. "Wait.... You read romance stories?"

He places his finger on my lips and makes a shushing sound before grabbing my wrist and tugging me back to the place I was before.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"You can't tell anyone you saw me here, okay?" He looks over his shoulder and turns to me with a pleading but desperate look in his eyes.

"Why not?" I cross my arms over my chest, not getting his weird behavior.

"Um, I'm a sucker for romance books okay? My love for them started when I was just fifteen years old and I haven't been able to resist reading one. It brings me comfort anytime I feel down and I just....." He trails of shyly, a blush appears on his cheek when he notices my shocked expression.

The Franco who appears tough, hard and doesn't give a care in this world reads romance books? This is unbelievable but the more I stare at him makes it completely believable that I can't bite back the smile that stretched out on my lips.

The one week and some few days that I've stayed here, I haven't actually pictured Franco to be the romance type that a question pops up in my brain.

"Are you in love with someone?" I giddily ask with my hands clasped in front of me.

Damn. When did I get so eager to hear something like this? Chiara's definitely been rubbing off on me lately. God, I miss her.

Franco's eyes widens like saucers as he swallows hard. "That's all the crappy revelation you're getting from me today."

My lips twist into a pout but I decide to let it go. For now. "Um, Franco, I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you the other day. I was just...... Angry."

Franco's lips breaks out in a small smile but it vanishes just as quick as it came. Well, that's rare. "I wouldn't say I'm sorry because Franco doesn't apologize but I'm sure you know how I feel regarding that. Just be glad that I like you already. I'm glad you came into Blade's life."

I ignore that last part, basically because I didn't want to dive into that topic. Not now. Not ever. "Why should I be glad that you like me?" I raise an eyebrow at him, teasingly.

He rolls his eyes at me and frowns which was typical of him. "Well, If I don't like someone, I find a way to get rid of them– You know, wipe out their entire existence."

My eyes widens as fear grips my chest. I gulp. "What? Really?"

Franco smirks and ruffles my hair. "You don't have to freak out Sienna. I was just kidding. Maybe."

He says the last part in a whisper but I pretend I don't hear it and resume back to my earlier position on the chair, placing the book I was reading on my lap.

"Well," Franco clears his throat awkwardly and proceeds to walk out of the library. "I better get going. Blade might need me anytime soon."

"You might want to drop those books first." I say with a smirk and he curses under his breath before he maneuvers his way back to the romance section.



Yup, Franco is a sucker for romance books just like me. I think I'm starting to like him.

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Xoxo, Jana.

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