Chapter 20 - Good gamer

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"You've got to be kidding me." I whisper-yell, rubbing my sore butt that does nothing to relieve the stinging pain from the spanks.

"Quit being stubborn and hand me the damn phone." He stiffly demands, muttering a string of curses in Italian that I didn't quite catch because of the anger in his tone.

"Fine." I grumble with a huff and dropped my phone in his open palm.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" He says with a smirk that made me want to smack him upside the head but I refrain from doing so, knowing how badly it will turn out. I'm already suffering from the brutal spanks. I don't need another to top it up.

Blade waves my phone in the air and strides towards the door, "You're not getting this back." The seriousness in his tone wasn't hard to miss but it didn't deter me from venting out my frustration.

"Haven't I been punished enough?" I grumble with a slight whine to my tone. Blade looks over his shoulder with a look I couldn't quite decipher in his eyes and releases a dark chuckle before walking out of my room.


I flop back down on the bed, the pain that shoots through out my body from my sore butt makes me gnaw at my lower lip to prevent a whimper from escaping.

Placing the tray of food on my lap, I poke the cold egg with my fork in disgust and bring the glass of orange juice to my lips.

The slight grumble my stomach makes forces me to consume the food even though it's cold and kind of disgusting.


I take in the familiar figure sitting on the bright orange couch in the game room, his eyes glued to the huge flat screen TV on the wall as his fingers move furiously against the gaming console.

When his character loses, he mutters a few curse words under his breath and takes a sip from the bottle of root beer on the table that's next to the empty boxes of pizza.

"Hi." I say with a smile, clasping my hands nervously, I rock back and forth on my heels, not sure if I'm welcome here since Nico seemed mad at me for getting him in trouble with Blade.

"Sienna." He turns to face me with a wide ass grin on his face and motions for me to sit next to him on the couch.

My first instinct was to run out of the room for my dear life but Nico rolls his eyes at me and stands up, grabbing my hand, he drags me over to the couch and offers me a bottle of root beer which I declined.

"It's fine, Sienna. I'm not mad at you." He whispers reassuringly and takes another sip of his root beer. "I'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier. It was hard for me to take it in you know?"

My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion at his words. "Take what in?"

He sighs. "Blade is my best friend okay? He was furious when you escaped under my watch. The insults he threw at me because of that made me feel worthless. It hurts you know."

My heart tightens against my ribcage as I sit closer to Nico and pull his head to my shoulder. "I apologize for that. I never realized that my escape could hurt a lot of people."

"You don't have to apologize. I understand how you feel." Nico grins at me and takes his head from my shoulder, he picks up another gaming console and hands it to me. "How about I roast you at this game?"

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