Chapter 18 - Doomed

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Sitting by the bar in my living room, I pour myself a glass of bourbon, my mind reflects back to the conversation I had with Sienna a few minutes ago. I bring the cup to my lips and take a sip of the alcohol.

It's crazy how the human body works. Just as those beautiful arctic blue eyes ogles my exposed chest, every ounce of flesh and bones in my body felt paralyzed to the spot. My brain couldn't form sensible thoughts. My heart began to thump heavily against my ribcage like I just ran a marathon. It was oddly unusual.

I will admit, she's kind of beautiful. The way are nipples hardened under my gaze did unexplainable things to me. It made the sexual beast in me to awaken and desire to thrum through my veins.

I take another sip of the bourbon and smirk. I would definitely die if I have those delicious plump lips wrapped around my hard cock and suck me until I cum inside her mouth. Just the thought of it excites me and makes my cock to purr with need.

Fuck. I really need to stir my mind away from Sienna before things start to take a dark turn– I don't want to find out what happens when that becomes the case. Maybe a quick fuck with one of my whores would help take my mind off her.

Pulling out my phone from my pocket, I scroll through the lists of contacts and try to find the girl that I hooked up with last. Can't believe I still have her number.

What was her name again? Abigail? Anna? Madison? Or yeah, Natasha.

I dial the number and wait impatiently as it rings, taking a long sip of my bourbon, I let out an irritated sigh and just as I'm about to terminate the call, she picks up.

"Hey there, stranger. I never thought you were going to call me. It's been two years, you know?" Natasha purrs and releases a slight moan, the sound of a bed slamming against the wall resounds in the background. It makes me want to puke and curse at myself in disgust but what other choice do I have? I can't have thoughts like this about Sienna. It's fucking dangerous.

Swallowing my irritation, I gritt out, "Get over here in the next five minutes."

She lets out another moan when the sound of skin slapping against each other makes it way to my ears. Jesus. "Um, I'm kind of busy right now, Blade. Maybe –"

My hand tightens around my phone that I feel it crack under my death grip. "Don't make me repeat myself, Natasha. You've got five minutes."

I terminate the call before she could respond and gulp the whole content in my glass. I don't flinch or get startled when I feel someone slide into the bar stool next to me and pours himself a glass of tequila.

"How did it go with her punishment?" Franco ask, and turns to face me, the glass of tequila in hand as he waits for me to reply which took longer than intended.

Fucking her brains out would be a much better punishment than what I had in mind.

Natasha better get here fast.

"Didn't punish her yet." I give him a curt reply and pour another round of bourbon into my glass. "Where's the blonde chick?"

"Locked up in the cell like you asked. The girl is really...... Aggressive. She punched Nico two times in the face that he got a bloody lip and kept on yelling to be released. She even asked to see Sienna." Franco informs, his gaze glued to the glass of tequila that he keeps twirling and hasn't taken a sip yet. Which is unlike Franco. "How long will you keep her locked up?"

"I'm not exactly sure, Franco but I don't plan on releasing her anytime soon." I mumble, licking the drop of bourbon from my lips.

"How do you think Sienna will react to this? Clearly the girl is important to her." Franco notes and takes a sip of his tequila, a faraway look in his eyes that I didn't bother to question.

I run my hands through my hair and place the empty glass on the counter. "I don't give a flying fuck of how Sienna will react. Her opinion doesn't matter in this. She clearly got her friend into this mess by escaping from me."

Franco nods his head in agreement and falls silent as I divert my gaze to the message on my phone.

Natasha: I'm here.


Natasha grabs my face and pulls my lips down to hers. She kisses me like she's been starving for me but I don't bother to return the kiss as my dick slides in and out of her dripping pussy.

The girl's got a wide hole.

She place her leg on my shoulder that my dick plunges deeper into her and hits her G-spot repeatedly. The pain that I get as her nails dig into my back makes my body to surge with anger.

"Oh, Blade." She moans my name as I deepen my thrust.

While I'm giving her the time of her life, my mind is picturing someone else beneath me instead of this whore. The girl I've been having this dirty thoughts about– since a few hours ago– lays beneath me as I capture her nipple in my mouth and fuck the daylights out of her but in reality, Natasha happens to be the girl whose awful moans is the exact sound of a dying raccoon.

"Blade," Natasha moans out my name again as she reaches the edge of her orgasm, mine coming a minute after hers.

While her body tingles with pleasure from the aftermath of our sex, mine tingles with disgust.

I breathe out a frustrated sigh and slide my still hard dick out of her, tossing the condom in the trash can, I walk limply towards my bathroom and turn my head to Natasha whose naked body is sprawled out on my bed as she exhales.

"Get out." Is all I grunt out that makes Natasha to scramble out of my bed and put her clothes on.

Shutting the door off my bathroom, I step into the shower and rest my head on the tiled wall as the warm water pours down on me.

This is so wrong.

I stare at my hard cock that still has precum oozing out from the tip. Swallowing back the lump in my throat, I begin to stroke my shaft, imagining that it's Sienna's delicious lips wrapped around my cock as I fuck her mouth, in and out.

My touch becomes desperate, moving up and down my long shaft that I let out a groan as my cum flows out of me. That was strangely amazing. My chest rises and fall from my ragged breathing as I wash off the cum before squirting my shampoo on my hair.

I'm totally doomed.



That was pretty......interesting don't you think?

Anyway, I hope you loved this chapter.

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It gives me the boost I need to write more amazing chapters, xoxo.

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