Chapter 12 - Bloody rampage

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"What were you able to find?" I ask Esteban who trembles under my cold hard gaze as I twirl my glass of whiskey, bringing the cup to my lips, Esteban slides a brown envelope over to me with uncertainty coating his expression.

"Um, I-I-I was able to retrieve a few photos from the camera. Though it was badly damaged because of the explosion but some images were still intact. Blurry even." He slowly informs, not meeting my gaze. "I'm sure you can find what you're looking for in those pictures."

Nico, were he's seated on the couch in my office, takes a long drag of his cigarette and nods his head in approval, flashing me a knowing look.

"You're dismissed." I grunt, taking a sip of my whiskey.

Esteban scrambles out of the chair, his glasses almost slipping from his face as he stumbles over to the door.

Am I that terrifying? I guess so.

Placing my glass of whiskey on the desk, I retrieve the envelope and open it without a second thought, taking out five images from the envelope, I lay them out on my desk with a frown as Nico and Franco walks towards me to inspect the pictures.

The first three pictures was blurry that I couldn't make out the people captured in it. The next picture was of Matteo walking towards the back of the building, the mischievous look on his face made me to narrow my eyes at the picture.

"Dude, you've got to see this." Nico whispers as my eyes darted over to the last picture. Matteo and the lead stripper were standing next to someone wearing a black hoodie and by the looks of the serious expression on their face, they were engaged in an intense conversation.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Franco asks as his eyes skims over the picture.

I recline back on the chair with a sigh. The image was just too sickening to stare at, it fueled the anger that's already building up inside of me.

Who could have sent them to distract us while the bomb was being planted around the building? Could it be Marcello? Vladimir? Arturo? Or Marcello's uncle?

If it's Marcello's uncle that's behind it, why would he call us for a meeting to discuss about the bombing situation?

If the clubs I own haven't been infiltrated yet then I seem to be the main target. But who could it be?

This just doesn't make sense at all.

"Nico, run a biometric facial recognition and background check on this lady. I need the results as soon as possible."

He nods and takes the picture with him as he walks out of my office.

"When do you plan to get married to Sienna?" Franco asks, his curious gaze drilling holes into my body.

Fuck. I totally forgot about that.

"It hasn't cross my mind yet but soon." I respond.

As annoying as Francesco's daughter is, ever since she got here, all she does is challenge me and no one has ever had the unwavering boldness to do so. I'm quite impressed by the little spitfire in her but I would like to admit, she's starting to get on my nerves.

There's just something magnetic about her that keeps drawing me in even though my legs seems to be rooted on the spot. I don't like it, at all.

"Do you love her?" Franco suddenly asks with a wide smirk on his face.

I choke on my spit and flash him a death glare that he ignored. "Love? What gave you that fucking idea? Love is for the weak and it's deceitful."

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