Chapter 43 - Unfinished business

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"You really should smile often. It suites you. The frown makes you look old and wrinkly." I tell him and try to widen his lips with my fingers but he shoos me away and continues to type something on his laptop.

"And you shouldn't be sitting on my desk in revealing clothes. It's inappropriate, bambola. Besides, I have two men coming over for an important meeting." Blade says but doesn't take his eyes off his laptop screen. "And for the record, I'm only 28."

I roll my eyes at him and cross one leg over the other. "A tank top and shorts aren't revealing clothes."

"Your arms and thighs are exposed, bambola. What else could I possibly call them? Go and change before they arrive." Blade slams his laptop shut and begins to sort through a couple of papers that's stacked on his desk.

Before I can retort, the telephone rings and he gives me a dirty look before answering the call.

"Send them in." Is all he says and places the telephone back in it cradle. "Leave now, Sienna."

"But I don't want to." I say with a pout as he stands up and straightens out his suit.

"I can't have a meeting with not one but two men while my hot fiancee sits half naked on the desk." He deadpans just as a slight knock resounds on the door.

"You think I'm hot?" I let out a fake gasp and wiggle my eyebrows at him as he runs his fingers through his slightly messy hair.

"Yes, piccola. You're fucking hot." His tone turns a tad deeper, striding towards me, he places both hands on either side of me and stares deeply into my eyes. "So fucking hot." He whispers in a sultry tone and presses his lips to mine. My fingers dig into his muscular shoulders through his black suit as he expertly kisses my lips. I feel my body melt against him, eyes fluttering shut at the intense feeling that floods through my veins. It's amazing and heavenly.

Butterflies flutters in my stomach as he slowly pushes into my mouth, our tongue brushing against the other makes me to shiver involuntarily.

Another knock resounds but this time, it's hard and urgent.

Hesitantly, Blade pulls away from me and pecks my forehead before strutting back to the door.

He straightens himself out, clears his throat and turns to me with a neutral expression like nothing happened. "Please go and change. Your clothes are too revealing."

"I do whatever I want, Blade." I say defiantly and drum my fingers on the desk, the urge to kiss him again is becoming more and more unbearable.

He looks like he's going to say something else but decides against it and bites his swollen lip. "Just behave okay?"

"I'll do my best, Armani." I batt my eyelashes and give him a sweet smile as he turns the door knob.

"The infamous Blade Armani! It's so odd but pleasing that you accepted to have a meeting with us about going into business with your hotel in Via del corso." An elderly man says, strutting further into Blade's office. He halts in his footsteps when his eyes lands on me. "And who do we have here?"

"She's my fiancee, Aurelio." Blade grunts out and shuts the door as the other man walks in.

"That's......... Interesting." The other man hums with a grin as he strokes his gray beards.

"Anyway," Blade drawls out and flops down on his chair, he motions for them to sit opposite him as I twirl my hair with my fingers, ignoring the looks Aurelio flashed at me. "Why B.A hotel?"

"Well, it's the most successful and luxurious hotel in Rome. Going into business with you will help strengthen the ones we own and give us more recognition." The man answers and continues to stroke his beard which I found extremely odd. I mean, does it itch??

Blade lets out a boisterous laugh that surprises the two men but not me. It's so freaking obvious, their words don't make sense at all.

"Let's get this straight, you want to go into business with B.A for the sole reason of getting favored?" Blade asks them with a smirk and they both nod their heads with a confused expression. "What's in it for me, then?"

Aurelio gives his colleague a knowing look and turns to Blade with a sly grin. "I have already thought of it and I was hoping if you could overlook the conditions."

"Why on earth would I do that?" Blade questions, raising a suspicious brow at him.

"Well, I just seem to have information on where Matteo might be hiding. Words is spreading like wildfire that you want him alive. I might just be able to help with that."Aurelio licks his lips and crosses one leg on the other.

Blade reclines back on the chair with a deep sigh, his eyes fixed on the smug look on Aurelio's face.

He finally leans forward after much thought and grits out. "Don't play games with me, Aurelio. I'm not in the mood for all this shit. I don't mix my business with issues like this. You should know better. I'm sure you haven't forgotten the last time you proposed something like this."

Aurelio frowns and balls his hands into tight fists. "You really should think about this properly, Blade. It would benefit us both. The shit you're saying doesn't matter. It's always profitable when you mix business with personal nonsense."

I interlace my fingers together as Blade pulls out his gun from the drawer, attaches the silencer to it and shoots Aurelio right in the head along with his colleague.

My eyes widens like saucers as the bodies drops to the floor in a pool of blood.

"Did you just –"

Blade picks up the phone and punches a couple of numbers. "Come over to my office and clean this mess up, Luigi– Are you fucking deaf– You seriously don't value your life, do you? Cazzo pezzo di asino." Blade yells angrily through the phone and slams it back in the cradle before Luigi can respond.

Blade loosens his tie, grabs my wrist and drags me towards the door.

"What the heck!" I exclaim with a slight yelp as he leads me towards the stairs. His hands tightens on my wrist when I almost tripped on a step. "Careful, would ya??"

Blade doesn't reply and tugs me towards his closed bedroom door, he glances around the empty hallway and ushers me into his room.

Once he shuts the door behind him, I feel myself being pushed up against the door, well defined abs pressed up against my belly.

"Now where were we??" He tilts his head to the side with a smirk and claims my lips into a fierce kiss.



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