Chapter 37 - It's my turn

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I slip on the black jacket of my suits and adjusts the tie, putting on my black leather shoes, I walk out of my room, ignoring the urge to check up on Sienna.

"Good morning, mio caro." Matilde smiles at me and pulls me into a hug that I reluctantly returned.

"Morning, Matilde." I say with a stiff smile that she easily saw through as a frown creeps up to her lips.

"Is something wrong? Did you sleep well last night?" Matilde takes my face in her hand, her thumbs brushing my cheek as she stares up at me in concern.

"I'm fine, Matilde. Just tired that's all." I tell her the half truth with, yet, another stiff smile as I pull her hands away from my face and make myself comfortable at the head of the table. "No one's awake yet?"

"Yeah." Matilde answers and signals for a maid to bring me a mug of coffee while she goes to prepare me a couple of pancakes.

A girl makes her way over to me with a mug of coffee in her hand, she keeps her gaze locked on the table and places the mug in front of me, nodding politely, she walks back into the kitchen as I curl my hands around the mug and bring it to my lips.

I inhale the steam and take a sip of the freshly brewed coffee, feeling myself relax but not completely as the coffee warms it way down my chest. I brush the slight drowsiness away from my eyes and take another long sip, hoping for the caffeine to do it job.

Last night was terrible.

I only got two hours of sleep which was interrupted by the incident over and over again. It drove me insane to the extent that I consumed the whole freaking pills in the bottle, leaving me with a terrible migraine that made my eyes to become blurry and my bones to be stiff. I massage my temples and take another sip of the steaming coffee, licking my lips to savour the taste.

I'm never going to admit this to anyone but I almost died of overdose. Won't be the first time.

My lungs feels constricted. My heart rate slows up and picks up that I feel my body getting weaker and weaker. I grab my pounding head as the world around me spins and spins in a rapid pace that everywhere I stare at is nothing but a blur of colours that hurts my eyes.

My knees buckle up to the cold tiles but I don't feel the excruciating pain that comes along with it. I instantly become nauseous from the air I breathe. It's stale and sickening that I feel the urge to throw up my guts out.

I hear his voice. The cruel words punches at my eardrums that I feel the blood dripping out of my ears.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm seeing things but a man and a woman's silhouette flashes before my eyes. I open my mouth to curse at my sanity but no words come out. It's like I'm physically mute but I can hear the words loud and clear in my head.

I try to crawl over to the door but something holds me back. Falling back on the tiles that feels like hot iron against my back, I let a single tear slip out of my eye as my heart beat slows down and my eyelids feels heavy.

Darkness finally envelopes me as images of a certain arctic blue eyes fills my head.

I almost freaking died. This morning I woke up with nothing but pain. The pain that can't seem to go away no matter how hard I try. Running my hand through my hair, I chug down the coffee as Matilde brings me a plate of pancakes and maple syrup.

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