Chapter 41 - First time

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"Three years ago, back when I was in college," Camilla begins with a sniffle and pulls her head away from my shoulder, brushing the strands of hair that's glued to her tear stained cheeks.

"I was invited to a club by someone I barely knew along with my friends. I wasn't really too keen on going but my friends insisted I go. We were the popular girls in schools, you know, we sneak out to parties and hook up with a handful of guys. The club wasn't too faraway from campus so we went on foot, dressed in the sexiest dresses in our closets." Cam lets out a snicker at the memory, clutching the duvet with her hand as a smile touches the side of my lips.

"So far since we got there, things went well until I met this guy. I told him my name but he didn't tell me his which was weird. Conversation flowed easily between us but I refused to hook up with him. After a few minute, he volunteered to get us drinks which I should have never agreed to." Cam's eyes grew dark and her grip on the duvet, tightens.

I sit cross–legged on the bed and take her hands in mine, she flashes me a small smile and went on with her story.

"He returned back with a glass of beer for me but nothing for himself. I wanted to question it but decided against it. I took the drink from his hands and drank it all, even though I'm not really a fan of beer. Then before you know it, I felt dizzy. I couldn't quite see where I was going because everything was a blur, my head kept pounding non stop like it was gonna fall off from my neck." She blows out a heavy breath and continues.

"I felt strange hands wrap around my waist and lead me over to the restroom where three other guys stood impatiently. It– It didn't really occur to me what was going on until someone pushed me to the floor that my head hit the sink. I couldn't make out the faces of the guys because of my blurry eyes. I tried to stand up to my feet but I felt paralyzed to the spot. I couldn't move. It finally dawned on me that I was drugged when they started to take off my clothes."

Fresh tears spilled out of Cam's eyes as she struggle to continue the story but ended up choking on her tears as a huge lump form in her throat. My heart clenches at the sight of the pain and sadness swirling in her brown eyes.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I whisper, wrapping my hands around her as she continues to cry on my shoulders.

Camilla shakes her head as more tears spills out of her red puffy eyes. "No. I want to." She admits and wipes away the tears that won't stop falling.

"The rest was a blur but I remember going unconscious and waking up in my dorm. I'm not exactly sure how my mom and brothers heard about the incident but they were sad and furious. Blade was the furious of them all. He wanted me to leave New York and fly back to Italy to continue my schooling but I refused. I had one more year to go and transferring schools would be a lot stressful." Cam nibbles on her lip and plays with the hem of her sweatshirt.

"I tried to reason with Blade that I was okay to finish my schooling in New York but he wouldn't listen. He was tempted to come over and drag me all the way to Italy whether I liked it or not. The incident almost caused a war between the Italian Mafia and the American Mafia." I rub Cam's back soothingly as she lets out a loud sigh. "Eventually, Franco and Nico where able to talk some sense into Blade to let me finish school in New York. I would have been here a year sooner but I wanted to enjoy freedom because knowing Blade, the minute I step foot here, he wouldn't let me leave this house without his permission or a bodyguard."

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