Chapter 11 - Jealous?

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I let out an exasperated sigh as I made a beeline for the kitchen and walked towards the fridge. Pulling out a bottle of red wine and a glass cup, I poured myself a generous amount of the wine and bring the cup to my lips.

Being in the same room as Alice for more than six hours turned out to be a death wish. My ears are throbbing from hearing her gossip about random things on the phone like; the clubs they are going to go to, the list of guys they had mind blowing sex with, the dress that's on sale. What was more disturbing for me was when she dived into a topic about the kind of dick that could make her body to tingle with satisfaction but at the same time, leave her wanting for more. It was absolutely disgusting.

I was tempted to snatch the phone from her and force it down her throat so I wouldn't hear any of her dirty rants but I have a heart you know.

I downed the last of the red wine, dropping the bottle back in the fridge, I stroll out of the kitchen.

"Where did you go?" Alice spat with a frown, crossing her arms against her chest in a way to appear intimidating which was kind of stupid.

"To the kitchen." I mutter with a confused expression on my face as I flop down on the couch.

"To do what?" She questions almost immediately, pacing back and forth in a dramatic way.

"I needed a drink." I snap. Anger beings to stir inside of my chest when Alice stops pacing and approaches me with a smirk on her plastic face.

"Without seeking my permission?" She says with a mock offended tone. "You know what Sienna, I'm not sure if you've noticed but Blade put me in charge of you and in a way, I am the boss of you. You don't get to do things without asking if I'm okay with it or not."

The confidence in her tone made me to think that she hooked up with Blade and in a way, she's using the opportunity to throw it in my face which is kind of pathetic.

The thought of Blade hooking up with other girls made me nauseous but I waved it off, not wanting to entertain such feeling when it comes to him. He can do whatever the hell he wants.

With my eyes locked on hers, I rise to my feet with a similar smirk on my face. "You seem to be forgetting something Alice. I'm Blade's fiancee and that means, I have equal right as long as I am under his roof. I get to boss you around but I guess things never change. Pest like you don't seem to know your place."

I might loathe the fact that I'm Blade's fiancee talk less of being his wife, but sometimes you've got to take advantage of the situation and make sure that bitches like Alice don't ever cross the line when it comes to you.

She glares at me and raises her hand to smack my face. "How dare you–"

"Alice." Blade's voice booms with raw anger that made her to tremble in fear as she takes a step back away from me. We both turn our heads to gaze at a furious Blade standing by the front door with his hands balled into tight fists, Franco and Nico right behind him with matching frowns on their faces.

"What were you about to do?" Blade approaches her with long strides, the slight scratches on his body made my lips to instinctively curve down into a frown. Weird huh?

Tears begin to form in her eyes when Blade halts in his steps and grabs her by the throat. She bites down on her bottom lip to prevent a whimper from escaping as Blade tightens his hold around her throat.

I swallow back the laughter that's bubbling in my throat at the murder look in Blade's eyes.

"Did you just raise your hand at my wife?" He fumed.

Chills run down my spine at the word wife but I waved it off.

"No– I-I-I didn't– I'm sorry–" Alice chokes out as tears streams down her cheeks like an endless waterfall.

"Sorry?" He barks out with a humorless chuckle that made my heart to freeze in fear. Blade looks utterly terrifying right now, his eyes ablaze with fury and jaw locked tight that it could snap off at any minute.

"Blade, you've got to stop before she dies." Nico informs but the glare Blade flashed at him made his mouth to clamp shut.

"The consequences are dire when you touch what's mine. It's deadly when you lay a finger on what's fucking mine." He barks and I swear I heard a crack from her windpipe.

"Blade, just let her go. She didn't even touch me." I reasoned with uncertainty not sure how to tame the beast before my eyes.

Everyone holds their breath as Blade's stormy grey eyes glances from me to Alice who cries helplessly in his hold.

Blade takes a deep long breath and sneers in her face. "Never and I mean never, raise your hand to touch what's mine. Got it?" She nods her head rapidly and he smirks. "Get the hell out of my house. Now."

Once Blade let's go of her throat, she grabs her purse from the couch and runs towards the door, stumbling on her feet a little as she exits his mansion.

"Can I have a word with you?" I grit out, quickening my steps to catch up with Blade as he ascends the massive stairs, leaving Nico and Franco to their thoughts.

"No." He grunts in a dismissive tone to which I rolled my eyes at. His muscles bulges from his black suit making my mouth to water.

"You shouldn't have done that you know?" I mumble, biting down on my bottom lip to keep the slight tremble from my tone.

"Done what?" He lets out a frustrated sigh and runs his hand through his messy hair.

"Stop pretending like you don't know. You could have killed her." I stated with a frown, crossing my arms against my chest as Blade stops right in front of his bedroom door.

"That's exactly what I was aiming for. I could have gotten rid of her along time ago but....." He trails off with a knowing look in his eyes that made my stomach to twist in discomfort.

"But what huh? Was she that good in bed that you let your dick to make the decision for you? Or her pussy was too enticing that you couldn't resist?" I boldly ask but instantly regretted it when his eyes darkened.

In one swift motion, he hooks an arm around my waist, pulling me into his hard chest as he grabs my jaw and forced me to stare into his eyes.

I swallow hard when I noticed our lips were inches apart, his hot breath hitting my face made my brain to malfunction and shut down completely.

Get yourself together, Sienna.

"Are you jealous, little one?" He whispers in a sultry tone that made my knees to go weak. I tossed him a smirk to control myself but inside, I was a freaking mess.

Has it been that long that I've been this close to a guy? Apparently, it appears to be so.

Was I jealous? I don't think so.

I scoff and his eyes shoots up to his forehead in amusement. "Jealous? Why on earth would I be jealous of her when I don't like you? That's so absurd. Now let me go."

Surprisingly, his hand slips away from my waist and I take that opportunity to put some distance between us.

"Glad the feeling's mutual, bambola." He says with a certain edge to his tone that made my eyebrows to knit together in confusion as I watch him saunter into his room and slam the door in my face without sparing me a glance.



Not what you expected but I hope you loved it.

I can't wait to get to that part.

Don't forget to;




Xoxo, Jana.

I posted Blade and Sienna's aesthetics on my Instagram. Go check it out if you want; Jana-writes64.

Love you all <3

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