Chapter 14 - Going shopping

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I stand right in front of the mirror wearing the clothes I had on the day I was abducted, brushing my blonde locks, I let it to fall on my shoulders in their natural wave instead of styling it.

I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart as my mind reflects on the plan I came up with last night. When I told Chiara about it, she was a bit hesitant to play her part in my escape not because she doesn't want to help but she's afraid that what I'm about to do will get me in trouble with Blade. I don't actually care if he finds out. Staying here longer than I planned to will surely drive me insane.

Placing the brush back on my dresser, I saunter out of my room, hoping that my talk with Blade goes well but something deep inside of me tells me he's going to disagree. I mean, I haven't been allowed to step out of this mansion, what makes me think he would change his mind this time? Fuck.

My legs comes to a halt in front of Blade's office. A warning siren goes off in my head, telling me to just forget about it and return back to my room but I shake it off and focus on the task at hand. This is the only shot I have at escaping. Messing it up will only make things worse.

I knock twice on the door and made use of the minute I have left to regulate my rapid breathing.

"Come in." Blade's voice resounds through the door making my nerves to go haywire as I opened the door and walked in.

Blade sits behind his desk with Nico standing behind him as they stare at something on Blade's laptop, Franco no where in sight.

"What do you want, bambola? I'm kind of busy right now." Blade grunts without taking his eyes off his laptop screen as he takes a sip from the mug of coffee next to him.

I stand awkwardly by the door and prepared for the words I was about to say. "Can I please go shopping?"

That got his attention.

"And why is that bambola?" He reclines back on the chair with an expression on his face that I couldn't quite read.

"Um, well, I didn't really bring enough clothes with me when you abducted me from the airport. So......" I trailed off, fiddling with the hem of my shirt as he scrutinizes me.

"Okay." He surprisingly says with a nonchalant wave that my eye brows shoots up to my forehead in disbelief.

"Really?" I almost screamed from the excitement that's bubbling inside of my chest.

"Yeah. I went through your luggage the other day and it turns out that your under wears needs to be replaced. They look kind of cheap to me." Blade mutters with a smirk that Nico clears his throat awkwardly.

My cheeks heats up in embarrassment at that slight info. I don't actually wear cheap clothing. The under wears my brother packed for me were the ones I wore in highschool; tight but it's better than none. I was kind of a nerd back then.

The embarrassment I felt slowly dissipated as I realized one simple detail. "Wait- You were in my room?"

"Yeah I was, bambola. Your dirty panties was quite intriguing to stare at." His eyes glints with amusement at my bright red face.

"How did you- That's clearly invasion of privacy." I almost cried out from the embarrassment as Nico snickered but quickly covered it up with a cough when Blade flashed him a death glare.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, bambola. It's not like I saw you naked or something but I wouldn't mind at all if I did." Blade licks his lips seductively, trapping me a trance that made my heart to beat erratically against my ribcage.

Fuck. What's wrong with you Sienna?

"Anyway," I say with a loud tone to change the subject before I die of embarrassment. "So about the shopping -"

Blade cuts me off and takes a sip of his coffee. "Oh right. Nico will accompany you to the mall to get a few things. I'm kind of busy right now so take this." He motions me to his desk and hands me his credit card. "And please, pick a more sexy underwear. Lingerie will be a more better option than those cheap things you're wearing."

I roll my eyes at him, deciding to let the comment slide, I stare at the credit card in my hand with wide eyes. "How much do you expect me to spend?"

"As much as you want, bambola." He gives a nonchalant reply like he doesn't give a fuck if I spend every damn single dollar in his account.

"What If I want to spend all?" I raise a daring brow. Blade doesn't panic or say something to go back on his word like I thought he would, instead, he laughs like I just said something funny which was weird.

"Go ahead and try, bambola. I have a lot of money that I don't know what to do with." A cocky smirk crosses his lips that I had to resist the urge to strangle him to death. Of course the asshole has.


Maybe this was a terrible idea.

For the past one hour that we've been in the mall, Nico's been breathing down on my neck as I check out the dresses on the clothing rack. He hasn't let me out of his sight for a second. I haven't even gotten the chance to go to the bathroom by myself.

My lips twist into a frustrated frown when I feel his hot breath hitting the side of my neck as we stop right in front of the shoe section of the mall.

"Would you stop that?" I finally snap, turning around to glare at the innocent look on his face.

"Stop what?" He raises an eyebrow at me like he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Following me around like I'm going to disappear the minute you give me some space." I retort, balling my hands into tight fist when he flashes me an innocent smile.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? But I can't do that." He gives me an apologetic look as he takes off his sunglasses.

Crossing my hands against my chest, I tilt my head to the side and step out of the way when two girls come running towards me. "And why is that?"

"Blade will kill me if I let you out of my sight and you know how he can be when he's angry." Nico tries to reason with me.

I know he's right but I can't shake off the anger that's starting to build up in my chest. If I can't get rid of Nico and make my escape, I don't think I would be able to have any chance like this, ever again.

"I need to go to the restroom." I mumble and begin to walk towards the restroom. I bite down hard on my bottom lip to prevent myself from lashing out at Nico when I feel his presence behind me.

Chiara better hurry up.



I'm so sorry I ended it here. The chapter was just too long that I had to split it but I hope you loved it.

Don't forget to;




Xoxo, Jana.

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