Chapter 15 - Retired car racer

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My breathing becomes rapid when I peep out of the bathroom door to see Nico standing outside like a man on a mission, his face hard and emotionless.

Taking a deep long breath, I pull out my phone from my pocket and dial Chiara's number but she doesn't pick on the first ring which makes my heart beat to accelerate. I dial her number again and fortunately for me, she picks up.

"Hey there, chica." Her cheery voice fills my ears as I lock the bathroom door and begin to pace back and forth.

"Where the hell are you?" I almost yelled into the phone but held my breath when I hear his footsteps stop right in front of the bathroom door.

"I'm right outside the mall." She replies, the sound of a car screeching to a halt resounds in the background as I clutch the phone closer to my ear and lower my voice.

"There's been a change of plans, Chiara. I don't think I would be able to make my escape. Blade's henchman keeps watching me like a hawk and he won't let me out of his sight." I slowly whisper, blowing out a frustrated sigh.

"Where are you?" Chiara hums.

I hold my breath again as Nico's shadow hovers over the bathroom door from the small opening at the bottom of the door.

"I'm in the bathroom but the henchman is standing right outside of the door like a creep." I mumble.

"You don't need to panic chica. I got this." She mutters into the phone with mischievousness coating her tone.

"What do you mean by that?" I stand by the sink, staring at myself in the mirror, I brush some strands of hair away from my face and wipe off the perspiration on my forehead.

She chuckles. "Just stay in there and whatever you do, don't come out of there until I tell you to."


She hangs up the phone before I could get a word in.

I place my phone on the glass over the sink, turning on the faucet, I splash some water on my face to relief the tension that's building up inside of me.

All I can think about right now is getting faraway from here and to the place were Blade will never find me. I don't know what Chiara's up to but I hope it works because I'm starting to feel nauseous the more I stay in here.

It's like the walls are closing in on me and I can't seem to make my escape. The more my mind dwells on it, the more I feel the panic take my bones in a tight grip.

I let out a relieved sigh when my phone dings with a message from Chiara.

Chiara: Just distracted the henchman. Make your move. NOW.

I don't bother to type a reply to the text before I dash out of the bathroom like a maniac, bumping into a man that's about to propose to his girlfriend, I flash him an apologetic look over my shoulder and run out of the mall.

Chiara's Bentley wasn't difficult to spot over the sea of cars in the parking lot.

"How did you get rid of him?" I manage to get out through my rapid breathing as I hop into the passenger's seat.

"I was able to get his number through my phone so I called him and told him that his car was on fire." Chiara says, opening a packet of gum that she pulled out from her purse and pops one into her mouth.

"And he bought it?" I ask as my jaw drops to my feet in surprise.

Chiara chews on her gum and blows out a bubble before starting the engine of her car. "Of Course, he did. Dude's more dumber than I thought. I wanted to light his car on fire so it would be a lot more believable but I figured you wouldn't want me to."

"Seriously?" I say in astonishment and she shrugs like what she just said was nothing.

Chiara pulls out from the parking lot and heads for the street but we didn't get far enough when Nico runs out from the mall in panic. We both stare into the rearview mirror and watched as he takes a picture of us - which was weird - before getting into his car and tailing us.

"You've got to drive faster Chiara. He's gaining on us." I mutter as my lips tremble in fear. I could imagine myself in the worst possible scenarios if Nico catches me and takes me back to Blade. I don't think I would be able to survive any of it.

"Relax, Chica. I'm a retired car racer. I used to be a pro back in day. The dude isn't matched up to my skills." Chiara says confidently and blows out a bubble as she darts to the next lane but Nico does the same.

I narrow my eyes at her in confusion. "Since when are you a car racer?"

"Since now." A smirk crosses her red painted lips as she slips on her dark sunglasses and goes way past the speed limit, ignoring the red traffic light.

I quickly put on my seatbelt before the car throws my body out of the window. Panic courses through me when I see a police car tailing behind us along with Nico's car.

"Fuck. Now the police are unto us." I curse under my breath and swallow hard at the relaxed expression on Chiara's face. "Please tell me you're not up to something crazy?"

"Girl, you should know I'm crazy from the start." She tosses me a wink and speeds down the road, the police siren makes my ears to throb painfully as Chiara does a double turn.

The police looses our trail as Chiara dives into an underground tunnel. It was a little dark to see but the headlights of Chiara's car was pretty helpful.

My eyes darts to the rearview mirror and sure enough, Nico's car is right behind us even as we emerge from the tunnel, he still keeps tailing us.

"Dude's tougher than I thought but I'm not going to back down just yet." Chiara mutters under her breath and steps on the gas. The car zooms with speed, that the buildings around us are more like a blur.

Victory courses through me as we get farther and farther away from Nico's car until it's no longer visible.

"You did it, babe." We high five each other with matching smirks on our face as Chiara drives into a highway of cars to make sure that Nico doesn't find us.

As the wind blows through our hair, all I can taste is freedom.

Sweet, sweet freedom.

Deep down inside of me I know that it won't last but I shake off the feeling, not wanting anything to ruin this moment.



Who else is in love with Chiara right now?

This chapter was fun to write. Hopefully, the next chapter will be posted tomorrow but if I finish writing it now, I'll post it today.

Don't forget to;




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