Chapter 1 - The letter

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A/n: This book hasn't been edited yet so you may encounter some errors along the way. It was written way back when I really didn't know any better so it isn't perfect.

If you check my current WIP you will see that the writing is far more better than this one. So nice about it!



I tap my red painted nails on the desk in discontent, my eyes shoots daggers at the white envelope placed in front of me.

The familiar black cursive writing at the front of the envelope confirms my assumptions of what's written in the letter.

I don't move an inch to open it, instead I glare at it, hoping it will burn into a pile of ashes that I will throw into the river.

This is actually the 50th time that I've been receiving letters like this and I'll like to admit, it's getting more and more infuriating. Sometimes I wish I could just shoot a bullet through the dick head's skull or drag a knife down his heart to his stomach; Which isn't possible unless I want to start a life long war.

I recline back on my chair and take the letter in my hand.

Blade's becoming more and more persistent with his marriage proposal which I've declined a million times but the guy definitely does not take no for an answer.

When he wants something he goes through every means both legal and illegal to get it, and I just so happen to be the one thing he wants.

I rise to my feet and stride to the other side of my office, picking up the candle that's burning at the table next to my bookcase, I bring the flame to the envelope clutched in my hand and immediately, it catches on fire.

Jokes on him because I'm something he can never have and I'm gonna make sure that it stays that way. No matter how impossible it might seem.

A smirk slowly cross my lips as I watch the letter burn until it's nothing but black ashes. I put out the fire and toss what was remaining of the letter into the trash can next to my desk.

Satisfied, I stride out of my office with a sense of determination flowing through my veins. The workers I pass by, greets me with a shaky smile but I ignore them with a curt nod, not wanting anything to distract me from achieving my goal.

After a very long minute of walking through some hallways, I finally come to a halt in front of a massive polished wooden door that took over most of the wall.

Just as I reach for the door knob, the door opens with a loud creaking sound that I had to take a step back as Marcus walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him.

His eyebrows shoots up to his forehead in surprise when his grey eyes lands on me. "What are you doing here principessa?"

"I need to talk to my dad. It's urgent." I demand as my feet taps impatiently on the tiled floor.

"I'm afraid he's in a meeting right now Principessa. Why don't you come back later." Marcus says with an apologetic smile that made the wrinkles on his cheeks to be more prominent.

I tilt my head to the side with a frown and access the old man. "What part of - It's urgent - don't you understand Marcus? I need to see him and if you aren't willing to tell him that little bit of information, then I'll just have to go in there and do it myself."

I rudely brush pass Marcus to open the door but he lays a hand on my shoulder to stop me. "I wouldn't do that right now Principessa. Your dad is in a state of anger right now and we both know how he can be when he's angry."

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