Chapter 28 - Stay

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Staring at the bright white ceiling of my bedroom, I turn to the other side of my bed and pull the covers up to my waist. I squeeze my eyelids shut but it's only a matter of second before they flutter back open and I'm staring at the open window, the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky along with the twinkling stars. It's quite beautiful.

I shivered involuntarily as the chilly night air gusts through the window, goosebumps appear on my bare arm at the slight contact. Tugging the covers up to my shoulders, I chew at the inside of my cheek and let out a deep sigh.

Why can't I fucking sleep?

Groaning, I turn to lay on my back but flung the covers off my body and sat up. If I stare at the ceiling more than a second, I'm going to go nuts.

I grab my phone from the bedside table and turned it on.

Blade handed me back my phone last night on the condition that I don't try anything funny.

I gave him my word for the second time that I wouldn't try to escape and surprisingly, he gave it back to me.

The light illuminate my dark room, stinging my eyes a little as I squint at the numbers displayed on the screen. 2:15am.

Tossing the phone on the side of my bed with a scowl, I kick the covers off my feet, adjusted my shorts that hunched up to my inner thighs and approached the door.

I let out a slight yawn as I jog down the stairs and walk towards the kitchen. Taking out a bottle water from the fridge, I pour myself a cup and bring the rim to my lips. A satisfied sigh leaves my lips as the cold water slides down my throat and reaches the pit of my stomach. It felt oddly relaxing.

I down the last of it content, place the bottle water back in the fridge and stride out of the kitchen.

I narrow my eyes in confusion when I see a familiar figure sitting by the bar in the living room. Without a second thought, I walk over to the bar and slide into the stool next to him.

"Can't sleep?" I whisper, keeping my gaze locked on the side of his face. Even in the dark, I could see the outline of his well-chiseled jaw, the slight stubble that dotted his chin and jawline, his tousled inky black hair and the mesmerizing stormy grey eyes that didn't fail to make my heart stutter.

"Yeah. You?" He mumbles and takes a sip of whiskey from the highball glass, licking his lips tentatively, he runs his hands through his hair. I swoon at the sight before I can stop myself.

"Same." I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and prop my elbows on the counter top. "Why can't you sleep?"

Blade chugs down the whiskey and pours himself another cup. As he raises the glass to his lips, I squint at the dark circles that's prominent under his eyes and wait in anticipation for his answer but he doesn't reply.

"What's wrong?" I ask when I see his shoulders sag in defeat and divert my attention back to his face. He looks tired. Exhausted even. Like he has been fighting a difficult battle on his own without any help. Like he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. My heart clenches at that thought.

As expected, Blade doesn't answer making my curiosity to deepen.

"Are you –"

"Enough with the stupid question." He snaps, tightening his grip on the glass of whiskey.

Something pierce my heart. Strong and hot. It's quite painful. My ribs tighten instantly as I swallow back the hurt.

"Oh okay." I mumble.

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