Chapter 26 - Tamed the violent waters

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Not being able to hear another torturous minute of her rambling that won't help us in anyway, I pull the trigger repeatedly, unleashing all my anger and frustration.

Bullets after bullets glides through the air and hit her directly in the chest, blood gushes out from the wound like a freaking waterfall but I don't stop until her body is lying in a massive pool of blood.

"Blade, that's enough." Nico says from behind me, laying a hand on my shoulder to give me a comforting squeeze. I shrug his hands off and direct the glare on my face to the two guys standing around in the corner.

"Clean this up."

They both give me a polite nod and do as they are instructed.

My lungs tighten at the repugnant smell of blood that wafts through the air, the awful reminder of a failed attempt to find out who the hell is plotting my downfall, wrinkling my nose in disgust, I walk up the stairs and to the door that leads out of the basement.

I chew at the inside of my cheek when I feel my fingers twitch, another god damn reminder of what I desperately need in my system. Letting out a deep sigh, I wrap my hands around the door knob and swing the door open.

Not bothering to turn on the light switch, I kick the door shut and stride over to my bedside table. The feeling that kicks at my heart makes it more unbearable to hold it in as my breath comes out in short gasps.

My knees buckles over and hits the tiled floor, the pain that comes along with it seems like a blur in the background as I crawl over to the table and try to pull the drawers open.

The damn keys. Where are the freaking damn keys? Fuck.

My fist slams against the drawer but it doesn't open. My ribs tightening adds to the never ending aches that's making my bones weak. Pushing aside the various things on the table - my phone being one of them - with a slight growl of frustration, my eyes searches frantically at the bare table for the damn keys but I don't freaking see them.

The world around me begins to spin as the voices that has been haunting me for years pricks at my ears.

Oh No! No. No. No. No. This can't be happening.

You really have been a naughty girl, Irene.

Pushing my hands to my ears for the voices to freaking stop, I squeeze my eyelids tight shut that it's starting to hurt.

This can't freaking be happening. Not now.

That's worthless coming from you.

I scramble around on the floor to find the freaking keys, hope dims and flares in my chest as something shiny catches my eyes.

Letting out a strangled breath, I push myself to my feet and stumbled over to my desk. Grabbing the key next to my computer, I stride back over to the bedside table and fall on my knees. The voices becomes more and more persistent to drive me in-freaking-sane.

I see you haven't learned any manners yet, woman. Too bad your time is up for me to teach you a little bit about respecting me and the consequences that comes along when you don't.

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