Chapter 17 - Not a rapist

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It's been a day since I escaped from Blade.

It's been a day that I've breathe in the fresh air of freedom.

Everything's going according to plan. It's finally falling into place.

There's no way he's going to find me.

Wrapping my hands around the steaming mug of coffee, I bring it to my lips and let out a sigh when I feel the warm liquid making it way down my chest, filling my body with warmth.

Chiara sits on the old sofa in the small living room, a laptop lays on her lap as she types away at the keyboard and makes a few phone calls. She picks up the sandwich from the coffee table and munches on it as I flop down next to her.

"Are you sure that he won't find me?" I hum, playing with the rim of my mug as Chiara's eyes darts from her laptop screen to my worried face. I know Blade won't find me but I just can't shake off the doubt that he will. Everything just seems so strange. It's been a freaking day that I haven't heard anything from him and I'm starting to get paranoid.

It took me by surprise when he abducted me in the airport with just few minutes to spare so what makes me thing now is going to be different? Damn. I feel so confused.

"Relax, chica. He's not going to find you. This is my great grandmother's cottage. No one knows it location except for me and my dad. Besides who's going to waste their time combing through the dark forest for an old cottage." Chiara smiles at me reassuringly and returns back to her typing, her hair tied up into a messy bun on top of her head.

Chiara's right. I don't have to be paranoid. Blade can't find me.

I inhale and exhale to get the tension out of my body, taking a sip of my coffee, the sound of cricket in the woods makes me flinch slightly on the sofa but I shake it off.

Damn the freaking paranoia.

Chiara and I have been so busy planning our escape out of this country that we skipped breakfast. It's kind of weird to be drinking coffee in the middle of the night but we don't dwell on it too much. We need the caffeine to help us stay awake all night just in case Blade comes looking for me.

"Let's go to Miami- No, Europe- Or Los Angeles- I've always wanted to go to Canada or is it Asia?" Chiara gushes with a dreamy sigh as I take another sip of the almost cold coffee.

"Chiara, Focus. This is not a vacation." I tell her with an eye roll as her shoulders slump.

Yeah, you heard that right. Chiara is coming along with me. I told her I would be just fine on my own but she insisted. To be gravely honest, I'm happy that she's coming along. It's better to have someone to talk to than to drown yourself in your thoughts.

"Oh right." She blows out a defeated sigh and glances back to her laptop screen. "So, where do you want to go?"

I place my mug of coffee on the coffee table, standing up from the sofa, I pace back and forth with no single idea or thoughts coming up in my brain.

"I don't know, Chiara. I just want a place that Blade wouldn't even think of looking for-" My pacing comes to a halt as all the hairs on my skin stand on alert. I stare at Chiara, who places her laptop on the table with wide eyes. She feels it too.

We're definitely not alone.

The trees makes a rustling sound as the cold wind blows through them. The owl makes a hooting sound but that's not the only sound that makes our stance rigid and guarded. We hear footsteps. Fast but approaching footsteps coming towards the cottage.

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