Feelings Changed

267 11 6

*the next day*

Lucy POV

It was currently gym class. Ms Aquarius was making the boys run laps as Mike was late to class while the girls sat at the side of the field.

"I'm going to outrun them all!" Natsu exclaimed while standing first at the starting line.

"Why is he so fired up...?" Mike asked.

"I have no idea man," Naokatsu chuckled.

Mike glanced at Natsu before glancing at Naokatsu before glancing at Natsu once more.

"Etto do you two share the same father or mother?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I know we look alike but we're far from similar—oh my god I just realised you pierced your eyebrow!" Naokatsu exclaimed but Mike immediately hushed him.

"I may be new but isn't it against the school rules?" He whispered.

Mike nodded his head.

"I just wanted to change a bit," he snickered.

"On your marks! Get set...go! 30 rounds!" Ms Aquarius yelled.

The boys immediately began running. Of course, Natsu was first but surprisingly, Naokatsu caught up to him!

"Heh, Natsu! I'm going to finish first!" Naokatsu shouted.

Natsu shook his head, "No way man!" Natsu started to run faster.

"Pacing..." Juvia muttered and I simply laughed.

Just as I expected, by the 26th round, both of them were worn out.

"I'm going to p-puke! Too much breakfast!" Natsu said while covering his mouth.

Naokatsu stood beside him and nodded his head in agreement. Both of them completely stopped running.

"I didn't say you could stop!" Ms Aquarius shouted angrily.

"But im so thirsty!" Natsu cried.

Naokatsu smiled and placed his hand on Natsu's shoulder.

"Come on! We can do this," he grinned before slowly jogging off.

Natsu nodded his head.

"I'm all fired up."

Natsu sprinted the last four laps like a speed demon. The whole class was left astonished.

"That was amazing!"

"Wow, Natsu-san looks kinda hot..."

"Do you think he's single?"

The ladies in my class began to buzz. I sighed heavily and huddled with my knees when suddenly, a figure towered above me.

"Whatcha think about that Luce?" He grinned.

I let out a small sigh, "Impressive."

He sat in front of me and hugged his knees as well.

He looks parched. Beads of perspiration were profusely streaming down his body—as if he was in a sauna.

I sighed once more and placed my palm over his forehead.

"Yikes!" I exclaimed while retracting my hand.

He was as hot as fire itself! Not to mention his face was red.

"Take it easy," I said.

I caught him catching a glance at my bottle and realised...

"You don't have a water bottle do you?" I asked.

Natsu shook his head and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"I lost mine a few days ago..."

I couldn't help but feel inclined to help. Hence, I gently toss my bottle towards him.

"Don't die from the sun," I said while looking away.

"Thanks, Luce!" Natsu exclaimed while gulping down the water as if he's never drank water in years.

"Yo!" Naokatsu snickered while plopping down and sitting beside Natsu.

"Hey Luce, do you have a bottle?" He questioned.

"I don't need one—I didn't even break a sweat-" before I could answer, Ms Aquarius groaned.

"Okay before all the boys in the class complain of unfair treatment, can I get the girls to line up as well. 30 rounds!"

My soul left my body. 30 rounds? You must be insane! Erza use to tell me that by the time I finished one lap in the school field, Wendy would've had big bosoms.

"No!" I groaned in frustration.

"Good luck Luce!" Natsu cheered while holding his fist out.

I stared at it for a while before reluctantly fist-bumping him back.

I could feel my face heating up. I got in line with the other girls.

"Lucy...Juvia...let's make a pact to stick together. If we finished last, we'll do it together!"Yukino whispered.

Juvia nodded her head, "It'll be less embarrassing that way!"

I nodded my head as well.

"On your mark! Get set! Go!" Ms Aquarius yelled while blowing a whistle.

I was at the back of the flock. I turned to my side, hoping to see a certain blue head and silver head girls but to my horror, both of them were at the front of the line.

"I thought you said we'd stick together!" I cried from the back of the line.

"Every woman for herself!" Yukino and Juvia yelled while sprinting ahead of everybody.

"Goddammit!" I muttered under my breath.

*time skip*

It was the 28th round. I was the only one left. Embarrassing was an understatement but I couldn't care. Every bone in my body was screaming for me to stop running—actually I was practically dragging my feet across the dirt.

"You better run Heartfilia!" Ms Aquarius shouted through her portable speaker—oh god who gave her a portable speaker?

"I can't do this!" I panted while anime tears rolled down my cheeks.

When suddenly...

"Go Lucy!" I heard someone cheer.

I turned to the class and saw Natsu holding Ms Aquarius portable speaker.

"Hey, you little gremlin. Give me back!" Ms Aquarius demanded while chasing Natsu.

To my surprise, Natsu ran beside me and grinned.

"Let's go, Lucy! Let's go!" He chanted through the speaker.

"I hope me running with you would ease the embarrassment." He whispered.

I was definitely blushing.

"Aye!" Using my last bit of energy, I sprinted for the last round and finished the laps.

"Yay!" I exclaimed joyously.

"Good job Lucy! We never doubted you..." Yukino and Juvia said while clapping their hands.

I glared at them, "You traitors!"

"You did it, Luce!" Natsu cheered while sitting beside me.

He passed me my bottle that was filled with water.

"I refilled it for 'ya. Make sure to keep hydrated," he said.

I looked away. The nearest water cooler was about a 10 minutes walk away from the field.

"Thanks, Natsu...that's really sweet," I mumbled while slowly sipping onto the water.

Suddenly, I felt the bottle being pushed down my face.

"Come on Luce! You won't get hydrated with those tiny sips! You gotta drink more," Natsu exclaimed while pushing the bottle further down my face.

"Natsu...I think she'll drown..." Juvia cried.

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