Never Alone

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A/N I wanted to add Mavis that's why the cover is a photo of Mavis but the Chapter has already gotten so Long,,I couldn't add her :(

Levy POV

Like usual, those 3 idiots were fighting but for once, I didn't mind.

I kept my guard up, Shadow was able to take down Gajeel! I might be weaker but at least I know what's about to occur.

"Yo Shrimp, you're pretty silent today," Gajeel walked beside me.

I shrugged. "Nothing to say," I replied with a bland expression.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see him frown a little.

I let out a small sigh, "stop frowning, grumpy pan-"

Before I could finish, the ground began shaking. I stared down and tried my best to stay balanced. He's here.

"Shrimp we gotta go," Gajeel lifted me up the ground but i twisted his arm and backflipped to get out of his grip.

"FIRE!" I chanted.

Fire blazed the trees and cuts them in half. I saw a figure jumped into the air.

"Poison cyclone!" Shadow yelled.

A tornado made of purple smoke came hurdling towards us.

"Mask!" The word mask was shaped as a face masked and appeared on our faces.

"Tornado!" I instantly yelled and a large tornado appeared and blew the purple cyclone away.

"Woah shrimp.." I heard Gajeel whispered.

I smiled a little feeling accomplished since he was astounded a little. I held my index and middle finger up in the air again.

"Lighting!" Lightning came blasting out but Shadow sprinted and dodged them all.

I held my hand and took a deep breath. "WIND!" I shot a huge blast of wind, sending Shadow crashing through trees.

Once he was out of sight, I collapsed. I've never used that tremendous amount of magic before. I'm exhausted.

"That was amazing Levy!" Droy exclaimed.

They hovered above me and placed their hand on my arm each and helped me up.

"I need to go," I said.

I got out of their grip and ran off.

Gajeel lifted one hand and cupped his mouth,"Shrimp! Where are you going?" Gajeel shouted but not bothering to chase after me.

"I got some business to take care off!" I yelled back.

I faced the front and never look back. The forest looks the same as when I ran away from Shadow. Anybody could get lost here but I knew where I was going. The trick to this forest maze is to never make turns and to always run straight to the direction you're heading, never ever take a turn out of the blue.

Kagura POV

The mountainous area seems quiet. Again, I managed to slip away from Milliana unnoticed. I've yet to get a glimpse of Rogue. I couldn't, it just reminded me of his bloody condition. I hugged my orange backbag and jumped down.

The rocks began to shake and I knew why. I pursued my lips together and let go of my sword. It felt...strange to not wield a sword in my fingers when an enemy is nearby.


I stood there—not moving an inch.


I closed my eyes.


"Not so fast!" I bellowed.

I turned around and smacked him with my back bag. He fall on the hard rocks with a loud "thud".

"Damn you Mermaid!" He cursed.

I dropped my backbag and folded my arms. I couldn't use my sword, he'll just snap it into two again.

"Surrender and we won't need to fight,"

"Surrender? Please like as if you can beat me!" He laughed out loud.

I smiled and chuckled softly. I stared at him in the eye, signalling to him that I knew all his tricks and moves. "I know your techniques,"

Shadow stood up on his feet. "What bullshit are you talking about?"

On cue, Erza jumped down from the mountain and stood behind Shadow. She was in her purgatory armour form.

"What the-"

"Minna!" Yukino called out as she ran towards us.

Moments after, Mira flew down beside her in her Sitri form.

"Hey!" Levy added. She ran beside Yukino and smirked in triumph.

"We've got your cornered!" Lucy yelled.

She ran beside me with Wendy and Juvia on the other side. We stood in a circle with Shadow inside.

Shadow gazed at the ground and smirked a little,"Well played," Shadow said. He looked at us and clapped loudly.

I heard the sound of Erza's armour moving. She shifted her weight to her other leg and crossed her arms. "You seem content when someone had out smarted you," She bluntly stated.

"Of course!" Shadow swung his hand in the air, "I'm only ever getting started," he sighed softly.

My eyes widened when the ground began shaking again but harder and more powerful than before. The earth started to crack.

"Ah!" Levy squealed.

Her body started to lean backwards but I quickly grabbed her hand. She turned her wrist to grabbed a hold of my hand as well.

"The's splitting in half!" Wendy cried out.

"Enough!" Erza commanded angrily.

She glanced at Mira and nodded her head. Both began to Attack from both sides but Shadow immediately jumped up.

"Dark arrows!"

Black coloured arrow shot from Shadow's back and aimed for Erza and Mira.

Erza held her sword and began swatting all the arrows away and Mira quickly stuffs them in her mouth.

"These are a delicacy for a demon like me!" Mira snickered and wiped her mouth in a lady-like manner.

"It's no use Shadow," Erza said as if Shadow has already been defeated.

"Oh? What are you gonna do? Kill me? Murder me? Sent me to the magic council? I've broken out there before and I'll do it again," shadow threatened.

Levy tapped her chin. "He's right.."

"A fairy tail member will never take someone's life!" Juvia added.

Levy nodded and furrowed her eyebrows. "Then I guess we're only left with one option," Levy finally said after minutes of deep thoughts.

She looked at Shadow sternly as if no second thoughts were required for this decision.

"We will have to send you back to where you came from." She took a deep breath.

Shadow's eyes widened, "how did you know.."


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