Extra Company

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Juvia POV

School is over for the day! I was walking home with Meredy while Gray and Lyon were behind us. I'm not sure why but I have a sense of Déjà vu when I'm with Gray.

"Juvia-Chan!" Someone shouted my name.

The four of us turned our head around. The voice was none other than my boyfriend, Jekku.

My lips formed a huge smile. "Hi Jekku-Sama!"

I saw Gray tensed up when I said 'Jekku-sama'.

He ran up towards me and hugged me tightly. He even twirled me in the air.

"I didn't see you the whole day, my love." He chuckled while letting go of me.

"Yeah! Where were you? We had history class together and I didn't see you.." I folded my arms like a little child.

He scratched the back of his neck. "I had a student council meeting about the upcoming school festival."

I raised an eyebrow. "School festival?"

"Yep. Don't worry, they'll announce about it tomorrow."

We interlocked fingers and started walking.

"NANI" Someone or a bunch of people yelled.

It was Meredy, Lyon and Gray.

"Juvia! You have a..boyfriend all this while?" Lyon stammered.

I slung my arm over Jekku's shoulder and grinned. Jekku was as tall as Gray.

"Mhm..This is Jekku. Jekku, these are my friends..well Levy's friends actually. Meredy, Lyon and Gray."

Gray looked astounded and he was death glaring Jekku the whole time! Does he think I'm not worthy to have a boyfriend?

It was a 10 minutes walk until we reached home. Before I went in, I turned and face Jekku.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it gently. "May I see you tomorrow during homeroom and gym class, my love." He romantically said.

I started to blush uncontrollably. "Aright Jekku-Sama. See you tomorrow!" I chirped.

It's weird how Meredy, Lyon and Gray followed me to my doorstep when their hotel was a few blocks before the house. Once Jekku left, I was bombarded with questions.


I shrugged. "Now you know.."

"How long have you two been together.." Gray asked. He looks like he was gritting his teeth.

"Hm about 3 years already!" I proudly answered.

"Uhm Juvia..that's good news for you.." Lyon chuckled awkwardly.

"Beep beep!" A phone rang.

"Is that my phone?" I thought out loud while whipping out my blue iPhone XR.

"I think it's mine too.." Meredy took out a weirdly shaped sphere. I assumed that's her phone?

We began checking our phones. It was a message from Lucy.

Lucy : hey guys..have you guys finished school?

Wendy : Yep! I even treated Yukino's bloody nose, she's walking beside me now

Levy : bloody nose? What happened??

Wendy : She said Sting hit her with a ball

Erza : I'll murder him

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