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Yukino POV

"High fever.." I muttered as I took my hand away from Lucy's forehead.

It was almost midnight but Mira and Laxus hasn't return. We have school tomorrow too.

Lucy was wrapped in blankets but she was still shivering.

I washed the thermometer and came back with a bowl full of water and a cloth. I dipped the cloth in water and placed it on her head. She's definitely not going to school tomorrow.

"Y-Yukino." She mumbled.

"Yes Lucy?"

"Are you sending me to the doctor tomorrow?"

"Guess I am. You can't skip school without an MC." I sighed.

"But don't you have that certificate thingy to get for the most improved student tomorrow?"

I smiled at her. "Nevermind that."

She looked at me and held my hand. "I'm so c-cold.." she was jittering.

I enveloped both my hands around her fist to keep her warm. "Your fever is really high but it's quite late so the clinics won't be open and it's still raining really heavily."

"Yukino, you should go to sleep. I know you've been spending the whole day worrying about Akito now you have to worry about me. I feel like a burden." Lucy said sadly.

I smiled gently. "I'm not leaving you, I'm sleeping in Levy's bed so Levy slept in my bed."

Levy was Lucy's roommate.

Lucy nodded and covered her face up with the blanket.

I fall onto Levy's bed and dived into deep slumber.

Natsu POV

I couldn't sleep. I felt so victorious that Wendy remembers. I'm motivated to make Lucy remember now too but my case is different from the others. Lucy actually hates my guts.

I got up from the bed and peered at Gray Who was hugging his pillow and murmuring something about Juvia.

I mentally smirked and gingerly made my way out of the door. Maybe a walk out in the streets could help me.

Suddenly, I noticed Lucy's door was opened and there was light. I tiptoed my way and peaked my head into the room.

Yukino looks like she slammed her body on the bed and slept instantly while Lucy was breathing and sweating really heavily.

I walked up to Lucy and kneeled beside her. I placed my hand on her forehead.

High fever.

Yukino must be exhausted of taking care of her.

"I'm so cold.." Lucy whispered in her sleep.

She kept snuggling in her blanket. Suddenly, she held her both her arms out.

"Natsu..warm me please.." she mumbled.

I began blushing. I thought it was best if I just leave, it'll be like as if I was never here. But before I could walk away, she grabbed my scarf weakly.

"Please don't go.." she whispered. I turned around and her eyes were still closed.

Without having second thoughts, I got onto the bed and hugged her close to me. She might kill me but she's the one who wanted it.

She wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my chest. "Warmth.." she smiled.

I hugged her back and placed my chin on her head. Lucy is pretty nice if she has a fever huh?

I hope no one finds us in this position. Slowly, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

Jellal POV

I miss the old Erza. I mean our relationship has gotten more bold now but she hasn't regain any memories. She had no progress at all!

I felt my throat getting more hoarse.

"I need water.." I whispered as I got up from the bed.

I glanced at the clock. It was 2:46am. Ugh and there's school tomorrow. I shuffled my feet out the door and into the kitchen. After a drink, I went back only to see Lucy's lights still on.

Is she still awake? I peaked in the room and saw Yukino snoring softly. She must be in deep sleep. But what shock me the most was that Natsu and Lucy were...snuggling.. I took out my lacrima and started taking photos. I might need it for future research.

Erza's and Mira's door was opposite Lucy's. I didn't know what came over me but I opened their door slightly. The room was empty. The room was strangely divided into a magenta side and a red side. The red side had armour and Taekwondo belts while the magenta side had dresses, posters and magazines.

So Mira isn't home but where's Erza? Maybe she went outside. Should I go find her? Suddenly, I heard movements behind me. Without thinking, I ran into the girls' room and hid under Erza's bed.

Oh just my luck! It was Erza. She came into the room and took off her thick velvet coloured jacket and hung in onto a coat rack.

"What a weather.." she sighed to herself.

Oh crap. She started taking off her black shirt. Fuck I need to do something! What am I going to do? She started taking off her leggings and sat on the bed. Since I was under the bed, I felt the bed leaning closer to my head.

I decided to go further back so she won't see me but unfortunately, my foot hit a metal chest plate that caused a clang sound.

"Is someone here.." Erza said loudly before standing up.

I saw my life flashed before my eyes. This is it guys. This is the day Jellal Fernandez dies. Reason of death : snuck into Erza's room while she's changing. I hope Meredy finds my will and what's left of my brutally beaten body.

I started to panic as I saw her got down on the floor. She's going to look under the bed!

I'm finished.

Out of the sudden, the door opened, revealing Mira.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Mira asked with her hands on her hips.

"I went for my usual night walk. You came home quite late." Erza said while standing up.

Mira chuckled. "Well it was one of those nights." Mira took out some clothes from the drawer and went into their bathroom.

Erza completely forgotten about me.


I saw Erza got onto the bed and soon after, there were snoring.

As swiftly and quietly as I could, I crept out of the bed and went out the door. SAFE!

"Make sure you close the door before you leave  Fernandez." Erza spoke with her eyes still closed.

I flinched and turned around in horror. She was awake the whole time? I sheepishly smiled and closed the door.

That was scary.

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