Losing You

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Erza POV

I sense him. His magic aura. I know he's nearby—maybe in the campus. I have to protect my friends, even if I died doing so. I took one last glance at everyone before dashing out the hall.

I'm lucky I wore a short dress. Truth be told, I predicted that I'll see Shadow again. I just knew it. That's why I'm prepared. I'm just petrified that he have already gotten someone.

The students stared at me weirdly as I kept running around campus. Once I was in a secluded spot, I took a deep breath.

"Going somewhere Scarlet?" Someone chuckled.

I swiftly turned around and saw Jellal sipping onto his punch and leaning against the campus' walls. My pumping heart slowly calmed down and my tensed shoulders dropped.

"Yes," I replied—sounding colder than I wanted to. "What are you doing here?"

Jellal finished sipping his drink and smiled. "Wondering where you went," He said in a 'duh' tone.

I turned away from him. "Well goodbye, enjoy the rest of the ni-"

"No, Erza," Jellal quickly said and he sounded serious this time.

I turned my head slightly to face him. He gripped onto his plastic cup and shook his head left and right.

"You're going after Shadow, aren't you?" He asked—he saw right through me!

"So what?" I replied rudely.

Jellal sighed and faced the floor. "I'm going with you." He decided.

"No, it's too dangerous," I stood my ground, I'm not going to let Jellal injure himself.

"That's why I have to go with you," Jellal persisted.

He dropped his plastic cup and I saw something glistening in his eyes but he instantly wiped it.

"I can't lose you again, Erza. I can't afford to so please," he placed his hand on his chest. "Let me go with you to protect you." He pleaded.

I frowned and gripped onto my purse tighter. The cold wind brush on my exposed skin and my neck was still red and itchy due to the beads of my dance dress.

"What if something terrible happens to you?" I sighed.

Jellal chuckled. "At least I tried to help you," He smiled softly.

"Jellal i-"


Someone screamed and a huge dragon made of ice emerged from the garden and into the dark sky.

My eyes widened. It's Lyon.

Without second thoughts, I sprinted towards Jellal and yanked his hand towards the ice dragon.

"What did you do to Meredy!" Lyon cried with a cracked voice—chocking on every word.

Shadow shrugged and snapped his fingers, causing the ice dragon to shatter into black pieces of ice that turned into dust once it touched the floor.

Lyon collapsed on the floor and I saw the veins on his arm turning black.

"Gah!" He sobbed.

Tears were flowing down his cheeks and the black veins looked like it was sucking out his life!

"Bastard!" Lyon whimpered before falling unconscious.

His trepidation towards Meredy's state must've prevented him from prevailing the spell Shadow cast on him.

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