Shadow Pt. 3

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Levy POV

"Yeah I bet Levy would choose me rather than a moron like you!" Jet spat.

"No! I'm 10x better than you!" Droy shouted back. They began shoving each other by the shoulders.

"Would you guys quit it?" I heard a husky voice scold.

"Why does it matter to you Gajeel?" Jet said while folding his arms.

"Because Levy is trying to concentrate on a ruin that would trap Shadow so shut up!" Gajeel yelled.

God can't they stop bickering for once? My eyes were glued on every single word on my spell book. I need to find a ruin so strong, it can contain Shadow. But what if I'm not strong eno-

"THAT'S IT! IRON DRAGON: ROOOAAAR" The huge blast was heard after that. I turned around and saw the trees behind me destroyed. There was markings on the ground. Jet and Droy were hugging each other in fear.

"Gajeel!" I shouted. I stomped my feet towards that huge giant and smack his shoulder blades.

"Stop causing a ruckus!" He turned around at me and gave me his signature grin.

With ease, he grabbed me by my armpits and held me up. I squirm, trying to get out of his grip. I couldn't even touch the ground.

"Gihi shrimp you're adorable," Gajeel teased.

I felt my face turning bright red. I quickly start throwing some weak punches on his wrist so he'd let me go.

"That doesn't hurt ya kn-"

"YES I KNOW THAT DOESN'T HURT," I snapped. My face was so red. Gajeel sighed heavily before putting me down on the ground. I used my spell book and covered my face.

Awkward silence.


"What was that?" Droy and Jet squealed while jumping onto Gajeel's strong arms and clinging onto his neck.

"It's Levy's lacrima. Sometimes, I wonder who's the actual shrimp, you two or Levy," Gajeel mumbled the last part of his sentence as he dropped Droy and Jet harshly on the ground.

I whipped out my mini lacrima and came face to face with a crying Lisanna.

"Levy!" She cried. Her eyes were red and I saw blood stained her yellow shirt.

"What happened?" I asked, obviously worried.

"S-Shadow. He took Mira-nee and Yukino! He also badly injured Elfman-nee! Please look out for him," Lisanna said in-between sobs.

W-what? Shadow took Mira? And Yukino? Mira is incredibly strong..what type of demon is he?

"Took as in how?" Gajeel asked while hovering above my shoulder.

"I-i.. I DONT KNOW!" Lisanna sobbed even more. She placed her hands on her face to hide her crying face.

"It's like a portal or some sort," Sorano added from behind Lisanna. Her eyes were red as well except the difference between her and Lisanna was, she was hella pissed.

"They brought them to another realm.." I mumbled.

"Be careful," Sorano warned, staring at me dead in the eye.

I nodded my head.

"Uh-oh," I heard Gajeel said. The ground began to shake vigorously. I hung up the call and clung onto Gajeel's arm.

"Earthquake!" I shrieked. Gajeel grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"More like Shadow now come on-OOF" a guy came flying in with a fist filled with dark magic and smashed Gajeel's face to the ground, leaving a crater behind. It caught me by surprise. I heard Jet's and Droy's screams of terror and saw them run away.

I jumped off Gajeel and began running. I didn't know where I was running but I just hope I find someone quick. I frantically looked around. The trees. Everything looked the same.

"Stay away!" I cried, not daring to look back. I quickly came to a halt when I was face to face with a stone wall.

"Oh little girl~" a man said. I slammed my back against the stone wall and held my hand up, ready to expeditiously cast any spell.

The man emerged from the shadows. He had dark raven or brown hair and purple eyes that could kill. I felt the rain drops slowly soaked my orange dress. Warm tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Stay away please," I begged.

"Wouldn't want to waste having fun with them!" The guy guffawed.

I trembled even more. My nails were digging through the stone wall, trying to break it somehow.

He stopped laughing and smirked at me.

"Hush now," a purple light surrounded me and everything soon turned black.

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