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A/N I'll start using more boys as chapter covers okayy

Laxus POV

Gajeel and I sprinted towards the source of blood. It smells like Jellal's.

My eyes widened when I saw the scene. Erza was on the floor with her armour..split in half! She had tears in her eyes and she was staring at me..begging for help.

She squinted her eyes when she saw me and tears blurred her vision. "Laxus.." I heard her whispered.

Jellal was in front of her. He was on the ground in his own pool of blood. Lyon was on the ground—coughing out blood and Lily was unconscious.

"What the Mavis happened here!" Gajeel screamed.

He quickly ran to Lily and shook his shoulders strenuously. "Wake up buddy!" He ordered.

I ran towards Jellal and brushed his fringe away from his face. His eyes..they were crying tears of blood.

"Oi! Wake up!" I felt the wanted to flow down my cheeks.

"W-where are the others?" He said—he looks like someone who took a 14h nap and woke up without knowing what day it is.

"In the dance hall, only Gajeel and I are here,"

His eyes widened slightly. "No, go away! Protect the others. Shadow is here, please just go!"

"No shut up." I had a cold face. "C'mon let's bring you back to the others,"

I lifted Jellal up gently and slung his arm over me but soon..his breathing became heavier.

"I can't make it..please bring Erza instead. She's not that badly injured..just shock." Jellal smiled slightly and briefly glanced at Erza. "I love her, take care of her and bring her back to Fairy Ta-" before he could finish his sentence, he cringed. "Ah.." he winced at the pain.

He took a deep breath and soften his gaze. "Bring her back to Fairy Tail," his eyes slowly shut closed and his breathing became softer and softer till it was inaudible.


"Jellal!" Erza sobbed, still paralysed on the ground. "Take him to Wendy!" She pleaded.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath. I need to be rational about this. "Erza..I cant.." I sighed and placed Jellal on the ground gently.

I kneeled beside him and placed my jacket over him. "We'll miss you dear-"

"Shut up! Laxus please! Stop fucking around!" Erza yelled.

She wobbly got up—swaying from side to side and collapsed beside me. She cupped Jellal's cheek and closed her eyes so the tears could flow freely.

"Re-equip.." she whispered and re-equipped back to her dance dress.

She stared at Jellal and leaned her forehead on his'.  She was trembling a lot.

"Why did you do that..dumbass."

"Do what?" I but in.

Erza didn't even face me. "I wanted to defend him from Shadow's gun shot but he swiftly moved in front of me. The shot was so powerful that even if I was behind him, the shot still sent waves to crack my strongest defence armour." She explained.

"Glad you're awake baka." I heard Gajeel sighed in relief and pulled Lily up from the ground.

Lyon was conscious as well. He sat there, staring at his feet. He looks astounded.

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