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A/N contemplating whether to discontinue or not lol

Mira POV

I'm definitely sensing some chemistry between the new comers and my sisters! Actually, the tall blonde guy isn't that bad looking, if only he didn't have a resting bitch face 24/7 then that'll be amazing. He didn't spoke a word since we met, kind of doubting whether he wants to be here or not.

We were walking side by side each other, he was the only one dressed normally, well besides Gray but Gray isn't wearing anything right now. Does he have a stripping problem?

"So uhm." I coughed to gain his attention.

He glanced at me and I smiled sweetly. "Hello. Laxus right?" I greeted.

He didn't smile back. "Yeah and you're Mirajane?"

I nodded my head. "Just call me Mira for short."

"I'm hungry.." I heard Natsu whispered.

Weird. I thought he'd be an extrovert but he's actually pretty soft spoken and introverted.

"I know. Why don't we split into pairs and go around the mall. It'll be faster." I suggested. I was mentally smirking.

Even though some of the girls already have boyfriends, I still ship them with someone else. Psst, don't tell Levy. I'm not sure her and Mike is a good match but they're cute!

"Sure? Jellal would you want to be my partner?" Erza asked calmly.

That Jellal guy started blushing. "I-i uhm I."

"Nevermind. You don't." Erza sighed.

"Wait nono! I want to be your partner." Jellal stuttered in a barely audible voice.

"Then great!" Erza clapped her hands together. "Let's go to a cake shop first." Erza grinned while pulling the blue hair boy away.

"Hm how about you be my partner Yuki?" Sting shyly asked.

Yukino nodded. "But I got to warn you, I'm a shopperholic." She grinned from ear to ear.

Sting tilted his head slightly to the left. I doubt he knows what a shopperholic is. I looked over at Laxus who started walking away by himself.

"H-hey! Do you even know where you're going?" I shouted while running after him.

"Wait so if I have a do I split it?" Jellal asked while holding a handful of cash.

Erza face palmed and took the cash away. She began counting the cash swiftly with her fingers. Jellal watched in awe. "90909.0909091 per person." Erza said.

She separated some cash and passed all the respective cash to the tourists or soon-to-be permanent residents. Erza has always been scoring perfect scores for Math.

"So Juvia how about you and me become par-"

"JUVIA-CHAN LETS GET ICE CREAM!!" Lyon and Meredy squealed before dragging Juvia off to a ice cream shop.

Gajeel leaned over Gray's ear and smirked. "Earning her attention just became one of the hardest things to do for Gray Fullbuster." Gray turned bright red. He turned around and slapped Gajeel's face to the wall.

"Shut up Iron Freak!" Gray hissed coldly.

Levy watched with her jaw dropped. "Strong.." was what came stuttering out her lips.

She ran towards Gajeel and pulled his arm up. "You okay? That was intense." Levy giggled.

Gajeel groaned. "Yeah that ice prick can't hurt me."

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