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Levy POV

"Oh thank you Levy! Work in the library can be quite a handful for an old lady like me!" Ms Carter joked.

I simply smiled as I carried thick books in my arms. We began joking about how the neighbourhood kids would borrow the R-rated books more than their age appropriate book. Suddenly, Ms Carter drifted her attention to the books I was hugging.

"Would you like to borrow those?"

"Well yeah! Our Mid Year examination is around the corner, Wendy and I need some stress reliever. Also, Kagura-nee, Mira-nee and Erza-nee are graduating this year! Isn't that exciting?" I chirped. Ms Carter placed one hand on her cheek and nodded.

"How about your other 3 sisters. What's their name? Lucy, Juvia and Yuki?"

"Yukino," I corrected. "They have plenty of projects going on, I dare not disturb Lu-Chan when she's busy! She acts like a werewolf sometimes," I mumbled the last bit of my sentence.

However, Ms Carter heard it and started laughing.

"This is the library you idiot!"


"So shut up!"

"Are you sure this is the library?"

"I think so, that's what that sign says,"

"Dammit I just want to find my shrimp,"

I started to mentally laugh to myself. Shrimp? Did he lost his pet shrimp? I peeked from behind the shelves and saw a group of people weirdly dressed entering the library. They must be cosplayers.

"Levy my dear. I think those people are new. Can you see if they need any assistance?" Ms Carter kindly asked.

I nodded my head and gently placed my books on the table. I'm abit shy when it comes to talking to large crowds but I manage to somehow master confidence over the years.

"Hey there ladies and gentleman. Can I help you?" I politely asked.

I was a midget compared to them. They turned around and stared at me. I feel myself slowly curling into a ball due to their stares.

"Levy?" A tall muscular man with black long mane stammered.

He had piercings everywhere and his red eyes intimidated me.

I gulped. "Yes I'm Levy. Levy Mcgarden." I clamped my hands together, they were sweating. Everyone was staring at me like I did a mistake!

"Do you not remember me..?" The tall boy added. He squad down to look at me eye to eye.

"I'm sorry..I don't recall you." I mumbled.

But something about his voice sound so..familiar. I definitely heard it before. But his physical appearance doesn't ring a bell in my mind. I studied the others and their appearance. I knew none of them. Suddenly, it hit me.

"Wait I know who you are!" I yelled. I saw his emotionless face turned into a huge smile.

"You're Lu-Chan friend from our neighbouring country! Evan am I right?" I said confidently.

I saw his smile dropped. He sighed heavily and stood up. "You really don't remember me."

"Oh sorry! Did I get the wrong person?" I was about to crack under pressure. Things were getting awkward.

"Nevermind him," a blue hair boy smiled as he pat the black long hair boy's shoulder. He had a red tattoo under his eye and he wore a cloak.

"Are you guys cosplayers?" I blurted out.

They glanced at each other and slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah we are, we're new in this town too." A black hair woman said, her smile was so forced.

"Oh well I can show you around! With my friends," maybe Erza can handle the crowd better than me.

"Great. Uhm see you tomorrow. How about 6?" The woman asked.

I nodded my head while wiping my sweaty hands on my velvet knitted sweater.

"Meet me here, outside the library."

The woman gave me a thumbs up.

"Wait but how did you know w-we were cosplayers?" A pink hair girl awkwardly laughed.

I pointed to their costumes and then pointed to under my eye and looked at the blue hair boy.

"Oh haha," she awkwardly chuckled.

This couldn't get any more awkward.

"How do you know my name?"

They exchange worried expressions. "You look like a Levy to us," a pink hair boy stated while placing both his arms at the back of his neck.

I raised an eyebrow before nodding my head slowly. I looked down at my orange wrist watch and my eyes widened. It's already 8:30! Erza-nee wouldn't like it if I go home too late, especially alone!

"I'm sorry but I have to go now," I excused myself while grabbing my thick books and sliding them into my autumn theme back bag. I grabbed my pumpkin spice latte and my dark orange (almost red) bomber jacket and scurry out the library. You can tell that I really love orange. Before I left, I waved my hand to Ms Carter who was typing something in her computer.

"Bye Ms Carter! I'll visit you again next Tuesday I promise!" I exclaimed before opening the door and letting the cold air hit me.

"Wait Shri- i mean Levy!" A voice called out.

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