Girl Power

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Narrator POV

Erza sprinted towards Shadow with her sword and pride held high. Shadow jumped up and summoned a sword to stab Erza at the back but she quickly swung her sword towards him.

He fall backwards and Mira took this opportunity to blast him with a ray of dark magic but he swiftly blocked it.

"Which one is it?" Lucy questioned herself as she frantically flipped the pages on the ground.


"Are you sure it's even in here?" Levy asked.

Mai had 3 pages in her hands. "Yes I'm very sure,"

Juvia's eyes roamed across the floor when something grey caught her eye. It was a page. It was coloured grey, unlike the others.

She silently picked it up and her eyes widened. "Minna.." she called out.

Everyone's eyes were on her. "This is.." she held the paper in the air, making Mai smile with glee.

"Bingo," Mai whispered.

"But either a time mage or a celestial mage can perform it." Levy read out the page.

Yukino and Lucy exchanged glances and grinned.

"But the amount of power you need is incredible!" Mai but in.

"Leave it to us," Lucy said.

Erza leapt closer to Shadow's face and gripped onto her sword tighter. "RE-EQUIP: ATARAXIA ARMOR!"

Once she was closed to his face, she swung all her sword at him, leaving him no space to move at all!

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Once she was closed to his face, she swung all her sword at him, leaving him no space to move at all!

"What the hell lady!" Shadow grumbled as he got pushed backwards but no wounds.

"KAGURA NOW!" Mira commanded.

Kagura ran from the sides of the wall towards Shadow and brought her blade near her face.
Memories of Simon flood her mind but a smile crept on her face when she remembered Mermaid Heel and Rogue.

She jumped up from the wall and brought her sword to the air and sliced it down.

Her eyes widened when she heard something metallic snapped. Shadow held the sword with his bare hand and it snapped in half.

"M-my sword.." Kagura whispered in shock.

"Don't try," Shadow said.

He cast purple waves of shadow which sent Kagura flying across the room and hitting the ground woefully.

"Damn you!" Mira screamed.

Suddenly, she collapsed on the ground and transformed back to her normal self.

"My's..inaccessible.." she panted.

She used her elbow to slowly look up at the scene.

"I gotta say, I thought I was really outdone by you girls but.." he smirked and stared at Erza. "Especially you red hea-"

Ophiuchus shot up the ground and shoved Shadow into the air.

"Minna quickly! We're about to perform the spell!" Lucy called out.

Erza ran towards Mira and held her shoulder. "You can do this," She smiled.

Mira gave her eyes a tight squeeze and nodded her head. "Daijoubu," Mira replied.

She slung Mira's arm over her shoulder and jumped towards the lacrima.

"Kagura!" Yukino called out.

Kagura was lying lifelessly on the ground.

"My sword.." She muttered.

Yukino sighed and jumped down the pillar. She threw Kagura over her shoulder.

" don't have to do this.."

"Yes I do!" Yukino snapped.

"We're going home together. All of us, whether you like it or not! Mermaid Heel miss you!" Yukino held back her tears and jumped onto to the top of the pillar.

Mai held the book and placed her hand on the lacrima. They held hands and surrounded the lacrima. Shadow was occupied trying to fend off Ophiuchus.

Kagura was sweating while using all her magic up trying to keep them afloat.

Suddenly, a bright yellow magic circle surrounded them, making their hair go up. They gripped onto each other's hand tighter and closed their eyes, bracing for impact.

The clock strike 11:11. The area went pure white.

"What the.." Lucy opened her eyes and saw everyone on the floor in some sort of pure white room. The lacrima was in the middle of their circle, shattered to pieces.

Mai was kneeling while staring at the ground with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Mai..what's wrong..?" Juvia asked.

Mai looked at her and smiled. Juvia instantly gasped. Mai's skin was breaking—literally.

"What's happening to you? Oh my god!" Wendy panicked.

Mai waved her hands dismissively in the air. "I didn't tell you but reversing time or just altering it, requires a sacrifice. A blood sacrifice.." Mai smiled as if she didn't regret a thing.

"Why didn't you tell us? And why are you being sacrificed?" Levy questioned.

"Cause isn't that what happened to my counterpart..?" Mai raised an eyebrow.

The room went silent. Nobody knew what to reply.

"I don't have much time left.." Mai whispered.

Only the sound of Mai's skin breaking like glass could be heard and her voice echoing.

"But once we return..what are we gonna do..we can't just head in without a plan," Lucy broke the silence.

Erza tapped her chin. "True.."

Suddenly, Juvia snapped her fingers. "Minna, Juvia thinks going to Silver High actually made her smarter. She has a plan.." she smirked a little.

They exchanged glances and grinned. After explaining the plan, the group came to an agreement.

"Arigatou..Mai..for everything.." Erza held Mai's hand and placed it on her forehead. "We'll forever be grateful for you..and for everyone else.."

"I came prepared anyways.." Mai responded.

"Prepared?" Levy asked.

"Don't think that nobody in this campus knows that you're not from around here." She grinned cheekily. "I've came prepared don't worry," Mai stroke Erza's red locks.

Her gaze drifted to Kagura. "Gomen for your sword.." She whispered.

Kagura bit her lip. "It wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself..I could always get a new one.."

Mai stared at her tentatively."Okay..." Mai chuckled. "I'll miss you guys..really I do.." she said.

"We'll miss you too!" Yukino exclaimed and jumped towards Mai to give her a tight short hug.

The white room dimmed a little. The girls felt more magic surging through their veins again.

"It's time," Kagura said.

"Goodluck Minna." Mai smiled.

Lucy wipe the tears at the end of her eyes.

"Arigatou..for everything,"

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