Death Comes With A Price

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A/N so as you can tell from the title...

Narrator POV

Shadow turned into a black dragon with luminous purple scales protruding out of its back. Its eyes were purple with some sort of acid dripping down from it.

Lucy's legs were wobbly. She stared at the Dragon before her with frightened eyes.

"Why..why..can't we just win for once..?" She mumbled softly as tears urged to flow down her cheeks.

Natsu slowly faced his blonde partner and noticed her fear. He sighed and took her arm off his.

"Hey Luce listen to me," he held her hand and grinned. "We're going to be alright okay? We're Fairy Tail after all," Natsu snickered.

Lucy's eyes soften as she stared at the cracking dried up ground.

"I know you'll be okay at least," She murmured.

Natsu tilted his head in confusion, "What? You'll be okay too right?"

Lucy shook her head left and right and smiled painfully, "I-"

"Stop playing games with me Luce!" Natsu cried, "Whats going on? Tell me what's going on! I'll help you!" He snapped.

Lucy frowned as tears flow down her cheeks, "I can't or not you'll stop me," She quickly ran away from Natsu and to Yukino.

Yukino gulped and held out all her keys, "Erza! Remember the plan!"

Erza sighed at the sight before her. She summoned a sword and held it near her face.

"To open a portal with force.." she kept reminding herself. She leaped towards the dragon and slashed its face with her sword.

But Shadow barely got injured. He smacked her with the back of his tail.

"Dammit," Erza groaned as she hit the floor with bloody scratches on her stomach. She pressed the wound with her pale hands and coughed out blood.

"Don't force yourself," Jellal said as he stood beside Erza. "What's the plan?" He asked—not making any eye contact with Erza.

"You'll hate us," Erza said with a saddened tone.

"I won't,"

"This is a suicide Mission."

"But why Erza?" Jellal questioned.

Erza felt the tears welling in her eyes, "We have no choice but to send him back to his world. Initially, it'd be easy if there was a key for the world but there isn't." Erza took a deep breath and covered her eyes with her hands, "So we have to make one out of blood and magic,"

"But that's crazy! There's gotta be some other way!" Jellal reasoned.

"He's too dangerous.." Erza stood up and took a deep breath. "Besides," she blushed a little, "You're here with me now,"

"But not forever!" Jellal shouted.

"THUNDER DRAGON ROAR!" Laxus yelled.

Mira and Juvia held their hands together and a tornado made out of water shot out a nearby river.

"WIND DRAGON FANGS!" Wendy leaped up the ground and uppercut the dragon.

Gajeel turned his hand into an iron pole and stab Shadow at the back but unfortunately, none of their attacks had any damage.

"This is.." Wendy panted and rest her hands on her knees, "Unfortunate." She was at the verge of tears.

Lucy stares at Wendy with sympathy. "No child should ever be forced to use this much magic," She thought to herself.

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